Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter , nor do I shirk any responsibility for the actions taken by my officials or for the way in which the Parliamentary Under-Secretary handled the case .
2 Please do keep telling us of any complaints or suggestions you have either about the Journal or about the way the Society is being run .
3 At birth , Piaget sees the infant as having no a priori knowledge of her environment or of the way in which she can act upon it .
4 At the same time , finance is becoming inextricable from questions of industrial policy : do differences in the cost of capital , or in how it is provided , or in the way in which firms are owned , affect firms ' competitiveness in America , Europe and Japan ?
5 He did n't know how — perhaps a different feel to the tiller or in the way the bows felt at the sea .
6 ( a ) in saying ‘ Something appears white ’ you are making certain assumptions about language ; you are assuming , for example , that the word ‘ white ’ , or the phrase ‘ appears white ’ , is being used in the way in which you have used it on other occasions , or in the way in which other people have used it .
7 Now , ’ she added with a complete change of subject that left Ellie feeling bewildered , ‘ you must n't feel awkward or in the way , because we 're delighted to have you to stay .
8 Is it to do with the syntactic structure or to the way in which this structure is lexically manifested ?
9 If donations were taken at a service , they were left at the door either on the way in or on the way out .
10 That was not unusual on the Monday after a tournament , so I decided to drive to his house in Clapham in the hope that I might intercept him either on the way in from a long lunch or on the way out for a pre-prandial drink .
11 Unsurprisingly , most deaths from VSA were in hospital or on the way to hospital ( 47% ) , and causes of death were recorded as direct toxic effects ( 49.2% ) , inhalation of vomit ( 14.8% ) , trauma — eg , hanging or drowning ( 11.5% ) , suffocation inside a plastic bag ( 7.4% ) , and ‘ other/not known ’ ( 17.2% ) .
12 ‘ On the way up to Luxor or on the way back ? ’
13 The skinhead style , for all its apparent knuckleheadedness , is a consciously held pose , a deliberate turning back to earlier , more certain times when men were men and girls stuck by their blokes through thick and thin , a time when an observer could tell an individual 's social status by merely glancing down at the footwear or at the way a person walked .
14 Or at the way she 'd said it ?
15 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
16 She was n't going to do it again , and let him think that she could still be affected by anything he said , or by the way he looked at her .
17 He answered prayer not in the way I sought , Nor in the way that I thought he ought , But in his own good way , and I could see , He answered in the fashion best for me .
18 This schematic characterization , however , does not do justice either to the manner in which they attempted to keep both poles in play at once , nor to the way in which they came to concede the impossibility of the theoretical projects which they undertook .
19 The neon light outside flashed on and off the way some of them do and brought my profile into full play .
20 We all know that our success as learners depends very much upon how we feel about the content , whether it is interesting or worthwhile , and about the way in which the learning is approached — whether we will have to sit and listen or take notes , or whether we will be able to become directly involved in the process and dictate its pace .
21 Political argument was usually about particular forms of the State , about the grounds of its legitimacy , and about the way its power was used .
22 ‘ We 're very fortunate with Verve in that they have a good understanding of why I work and about the way in which I work .
23 When we talk of mobility , we are talking about movement that is both geographical and social , and about the way in which these movements separate family members as well as , perhaps , creating new ties between other family members .
24 It is also about a period of recent history , the 1950s , and about the way in which those years shaped individual lives and collective ideas .
25 I mean , I know about your mother the harpist , and your father , and why you 're called Arthur , and about the way you can fall .
26 Here , we mean by ‘ pragmatic ’ those aspects of language processing which stem from general knowledge about the world and about the way in which people normally convey information in language .
27 We 've given them three hundred and sixty-four thousand pounds of extra funding , which we could legitimately have taken away as , particularly in the way that it was done , and as I understand it they er , revealed their V I P protection two months early to the Home Office , and therefore cut our S S A by a substantial amount , and I would even perhaps start that as a , as I could , as a series of criticisms about the way the police maintain their budget , and about the way that they have responded .
28 This therefore will be my last Sunday with you and so I take this opportunity to thank you again for all your kindnesses to me and for the way you made me welcome when I arrived 5 years ago ( does n't time fly ! ) .
29 The main thesis of the interactionists was that the ‘ official ’ application of these particular labels ( via agencies such as school-teachers and police ) had profound consequences for the persons so labelled , and for the way we perceive and understand crime and deviance .
30 Thirdly , the model suggests one way of accounting for the peculiar nature of mathematics , computing and language , as the disciplines which constitute our stances in and towards the world , and for the way they relate to other disciplines , both servicing them at a mundane level and pervading them at a profound level .
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