Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 But it 's no uncritical endorsement of any part of the socialist tradition , or of the New Model Labour Party .
2 The value of the shekel was allowed to shift by 5 per cent above or below the new median rate .
3 They could have filled the cellars of Masham with McEwans 80/ and Youngers No. 3 from Edinburgh or with the new Theakstons-on-Tyne which the locals declare is a far inferior brew .
4 When watercolour is combined with gouache , or with the new water-soluble drawing media , the results can be quite striking .
5 At one time , estate agents were entering sufficient lots for it to hold 100 sales a year in the City or in the New Connaught Rooms .
6 Or in The New Landscape of 1956 when Gyorgy Kepes demonstrates with photography at different scales how the images of art and science and geography were almost interchangeable .
7 For the adolescent boy or girl , the confusion may be worsened by growing evidence for him or her that previous ideas and attitudes , based entirely on childhood experience , may not be appropriate in his or her new relationships or in the new society of which the youngster is now accepted as part .
8 This essay is not a search for the new progressive text , nor for the new ‘ sacred word ’ which will bring it into being .
9 The classical spirit in which he was trained never lost its hold upon him ; the spirit of the pagan authors he revered in their original languages coexisted in his mind with an Anglicanism more committed in substance than fervent in style ; and as the new novel of the 1950s revived the techniques of eighteenth-century fiction , so did Lewis 's critical prose revive the world of hard-hitting supper-party debates that Boswell records .
10 The ice and snow would disappear from the mountains , and as the new plants from the more temperate regions of the south migrated northwards , replacing the arctic plants , these latter would crawl up the now uncovered mountains , and likewise be driven northward to the present arctic shores .
11 ChemMod II for the Apple Macintosh is also available in a new release — this being fully ‘ System 7 compatible ’ and designed for use with all Macintosh IIs and for the new Macintosh Quadras .
12 This , and the alliance with Italy and the countries of Eastern Europe ( Romania , Hungary ) enabled them to present themselves as pan-European , fighting the war for the sake of Europe and for the new European order against the peripheral or non-European powers .
13 Now that we are ready to move to Sao Paulo please continue to pray for the Taquaral church and for the new church Jardim Miriam which we were privileged to see the starting and the continued growth of .
14 It was only the resolute persistence of the dealer Samuel Woodburn who purchased the collection from the artist 's executor in 1834 , together with the support of the collector and academic the Revd Dr Henry Wellesley and the generosity of Lord Eldon that enabled part of the collection to be saved for the nation and for the new University Galleries , Oxford .
15 The main gap was in provision for elderly people with senile dementia and for the new long-stay population .
16 Topics covered include news and feature writing , fiction , writing for children and for the new reading public .
17 For some years now Yamaha have played a major role in digital sound processors and for the new season they have produced several new models .
18 The financial crises of 1929 and 1931 and the following years ' dramatic collapse in trade and production helped to lay the foundations for the new industries and the new international trading blocs that began in the 1930s and 1940s , and for the new international financial system established in the 1940s .
19 An increasing number of claims for night visits was recorded during the 1970s , and anecdotal evidence suggests that this trend continued both before and after the new contract , although no figures have been published .
20 Is not it crystal clear that the Government are willingly in collusion with those stores that are using salami tactics bit by bit — before Christmas , between Christmas and the new year and after the new year — and which so handsomely contribute to Conservative party funds ?
21 The time was in fact ripe , not only for a secession from religion ( which , after all , had never given parents anything very tangible ) , but for a transfer of allegiance from the other traditional reference groups of parents : away from the methods prescribed by folklore , custom and the baby 's grandmother , and towards the new blessings held out by scientific mothercraft .
22 Most of these products and packages will move ICI further away from traditional chlor-alkali technology and towards the new electrode coatings and membrane cell technology area such as in situ water treatment and cathodic corrosion protection .
23 He drove across Second Avenue , and past the new colossus that was the Ago building .
24 Regarding themselves as kingmakers , Godwine and his sons strove repeatedly to maintain an ‘ English ’ identity , free both of too much Danish interruption and of the new factor in political life , the influence of the Duchy of Normandy .
25 She thought guiltily of the money she had been spending on new clothes and of the new slippers she had ordered with the amethyst decoration .
26 The contrast may therefore serve to illustrate one major merit of Brooks 's criticism and of the New Criticism in general : their use of ideas such as irony may seem exaggerated and confusing , but it makes the important point that the meaning of poetry , though possibly analyzable , can not be expressed properly in the form of a conventional prosaic statement .
27 The legislation was opposed by 23 National Assembly deputies — members of the National Progressive Unionist Grouping and of the New Nasserite Party and some independents .
28 The green of the spring grass and of the new leaves upon the trees was so intense that even riding through it for hours could not dim John 's sense of wonder .
29 So what the philosopher has to do is to look at these , all these various factors and begin to try and make people conscious of the inadequacies of the way in which they live , and of the new possibilities which are open to them , if they will only project their minds outside the established bounds .
30 The DPS 9000 Model 500s are also entry-level machines into Bull 's most powerful range of systems , and like the new 7000s , use Bull 's latest VLSI/CMOS chip technology .
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