Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Between 1979 and 1986 the UK 's portfolio investments overseas rose as the annual outflow increased .
2 Between 1970 and 1986 the Ivory Coast , often regarded as one of Africa 's success stories , more than tripled its cereals imports , its external debt rose more than thirty-fold , and food production per capita barely kept up with population growth ( World Bank , 1988 , Tables ) .
3 More Italian bomber reinforcements reached Sicily , the 99° Gruppo ( 242 a and 243 a Squadriglia ) of the 43° Stormo B.T. arriving at Gerbini under Ten.Co .
4 This excellent system of continental escorting and fighting-off the Luftwaffe marked the beginning of the end for the Luftwaffe as we had known it up to the advent of the newly-engined Mustang .
5 Between 1927 and 1934 the PCF became less a political group with a mass following , more an extremist ideological sect , an ideal target for repression and persecution by reactionary governments .
6 Recipients of loans Between 1981 and 1985 the EIB undertook loans of ECU28.5 billion , and of this over 90 per cent was within the European Community .
7 A very different book , much more idiosyncratic in its structure and its procedures , is the one of 1938 called in the American printing Culture , and iii the London edition Guide to Kulchur .
8 He 'd been shy and fair-haired the Sunday afternoon he 'd asked her to marry him , without any confidence in those days .
9 Between 1981 and 1991 the United Kingdom ran an overall deficit of some £80,000 million with the EEC .
10 Between September 1990 and 1991 the NHS lost 15,400 qualified nurses — a drop of 5.2 per cent — but the number of unqualified staff rose by 137,400 , a rise of 17 per cent .
11 Between 1953 and 1960 the Pentagon defence budget swallowed $350 billion .
12 Between 1950 and 1960 the Indianapolis 500 was included in the championship but it was rare for a European Grand Prix driver to compete in the race , and vice versa .
13 It was followed by the 101° Gruppo Tuffatori ( ex B.a'T ) with the 208 a and 238 a Squadriglia , which flew their Ju87s in to Gerbini , while on I June the 85° Gruppo R.M. was formed at Stagnone , Marsala , from the 144 a and 197 a Squadriglia with Z.506B floatplanes .
14 There were a few exceptions to prove the rule , but by and large the Commons looked as if it were fighting the class war rather than debating the need for the protection of wild mammals .
15 Between 1979/80 and 1986/87 the DHSS subsidy to private homes increased from £10 million a year to £489 million .
16 A London chronicler , writing of events in early 1461 , talks of the northerners almost as if they were foreign enemies : ‘ it was Reported that the Quene w ’ the Northern men wold come downe to the Citie and Robbe and dispoile the Citie , and distroy it vtterly , and all the Sowth Cuntre' ( 22 , p.172 ) .
17 At this point it is worth taking a step back from the scene and recalling that the Soviet Union and all the East European states are signatories to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution .
18 ‘ The Odeon in Leicester Square organised a press showing and we invited every national newspaper and all the London papers too .
19 Two more Islanders arrived shortly afterwards , and all the Channel Islands were linked .
20 ( It also renders Tongan maps a most inconvenient shape : to accommodate all the Friendly Islands and all the Tongan seas , a scale map has to be about five times as long as it is wide , though nearly all the population and commerce is bunched in the islands in the far south . )
21 Minimum reserve ratios are widely used around the world to restrict credit , including in the USA , Japan , Canada and all the EC countries other than the UK and Luxembourg ( see Box 17.3 ) .
22 Among those which have not done so are the US , Canada , and all the EC countries with the exception of France .
23 Before I hand over to Dave to tell his side of the story , I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave , Richard , Liz and all the JM staff at sites around the country who helped to organise this event which has raised so much for our Charity of the Year .
24 one who did Jekyll and all the Jekyll and Hyde And what else he did
25 His sales have dipped a bit since Jig , and all the Grafton reissues have rather confused people , but this is new and first-class .
26 On Nov. 8 in Berlin some 300,000 people expressed their solidarity with foreigners , at a rally attended by Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl , President Richard von Weizsäcker , and all the Land ( state ) heads of government ( except Max Streibl of Bavaria ) .
27 Afterwards , there was a little Christmas party in the entertainment room upstairs , and all the Wogan studio team came .
28 When Insurers settle a total loss they acquire two types of rights — the entitlement to take over the Policyholder 's interest in the subject matter insured , and all the Policyholder 's rights and remedies in respect of the casualty which caused the loss .
29 He hopes to arrange a meeting in Darlington with Inntrepreneur , the markets arm of Grand Met , and all the John Smith landlords in the town .
30 On behalf of the University of Greenwich , Dr Norbit Singer , director , thanked the chairman for his generous gift and praised area manager David Philip and all the CCG staff who work tirelessly to ensure the academic staff and students receive the very best ‘ food for thought ’ .
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