Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It enables teachers to make clear statements about what they want their students to do , but it is not always necessary or possible to satisfy all of the conditions given above .
2 When govt. adopted free trade in the middle of the 19th Century , the people got cheaper grain to buy , & larger choices , & also relations with other countries were improved , so that the risk of wars were reduced , & this meant less taxes for the people , because the country was spending less .
3 Suppose that a newspaper advertises : ‘ We want letters ( which we may publish ) from readers seeking advice ; and we undertake that , if we give advice , we will exercise all proper care.a Is it in any way artificial or unrealistic to regard that as an offer of a contract ?
4 Although a very elaborate and well executed mosaic however , the saltire pavement — which in one form or another possesses most of the motifs typical of this integral group — is certainly not an isolated example of such richness .
5 He would blow into one of his paper bags , somehow or another keep this in position , still open on his left hand and then with his right throw oranges into it .
6 Clinical trials in which comparable patients received either one kind of treatment or another confirmed this belief .
7 A mistake spotted now can be rectified on the polyester film , but once you have committed your design to the board , it could be difficult or impossible to effect any corrections .
8 As far as the effect of knowledge about language on pupils ' own language skill is concerned , it is true that it has been difficult or impossible to show any direct cause-and-effect relation between teaching formal grammar and improved writing performance .
9 ‘ I hope to provide two or three reports each week in the series , ’ he said .
10 ‘ 1(2) In determining whether a person is a fit and proper person to hold any particular position , regard shall be had to his probity , to his competence and soundness of judgement for fulfilling the responsibilities of that position , to the diligence with which he is fulfilling or likely to fulfil those responsibilities and to whether the interests of depositors or potential depositors of the institution are , or are likely to be , in any way threatened by his holding that position .
11 under Sub-Section 2 , 3 or 4 to indemnify any person
12 Despite the catalogue of comments , there is precious little in his past or present to support such a contention .
13 It would not be practical or useful to teach all learners of English to produce assimilations ; practice in making elisions is more useful , and it is clearly valuable to do exercises related to rhythm and linking .
14 The area health authority and Department of Health and Social Security on the other hand contended that under the common law a minor of sufficient intelligence and understanding could always consent to treatment and that the effect of section 8 was to produce an irrebuttable presumption that a child of 16 or 17 had such intelligence and understanding .
15 By thus reproducing arguments in favour of unequal pay which had a long pedigree , Amelia McLean 's article showed that she was either unable or unwilling to realize that , apart from anything else , the introduction of Monotype machines within the previous few years had completely redistributed the cards .
16 For many teachers the self-appraisal failed to be a major event , either because they were not required to participate in any review activities or because they were unable or unwilling to devote much time to it .
17 But — with exceptions of course — it has at the same time been unable or unwilling to devote enough time and effort to understanding and pursing financial and accounting matters , perhaps because these often lack the immediate and general glamour of other aspects of policies .
18 There were blue plastic seats and a warning in four languages not to lean out of the window ; English , I noticed , requires more words than French , German or Italian to convey this advice .
19 It is however impossible to eradicate the possibility of having a mentally handicapped child , and unlikely that parents will be either prepared or able to create such a perfect policy of prevention .
20 ( 3 ) The proposal is a friendly merger with the larger company wishing to acquire the smaller company but there is known to be a difficult minority shareholder in the smaller company holding above 10 per cent of the voting rights ( or able to muster that level of support against the proposal ) which could prevent the larger company implementing the compulsory sale procedures under CA 1985 , s429 .
21 None the less , they are not always willing or able to deploy this skill .
22 The cinema can show us eyes being gouged out , heads blown off , and aliens bursting from John Hurt 's entrails : when it comes to counterfeiting the mechanics of sexual congress , however , it admits defeat ; nor , in general , are performers willing or able to remedy this deficiency .
23 So erm , if two or more do this at the same time , first person 's to speak call the talk .
24 So if two or more do this thing like , if they do n't call your name , there at the same time , the first person to speak will be four .
25 ‘ I would like to win here but I think I will need to shoot 65 or 66 to do that . ’
26 Once Heseltine departed , succeeding Secretaries of State for the Environment such as King , Jenkins and Baker , were unwilling or unable to sustain this vision .
27 His function was to provide early support , or early encouragement , to artists beginning to make their way in the market , or unable to sustain some particular project within it .
28 But many parents are unwilling or unable to accept such a role in the moral or religious education of their children .
29 The theory that the development charge would leave the developer unwilling or unable to pay more than the existing use value for his land is not at present working out in practice , especially since a would-be house owner who pays building value to the seller of the land .
30 If the two pairs of projectors are in line , the intention is not usually a multi-image effect In fact , it s likely that the two projectors nearer to the camera will not contain so much an image as an image-blocker , ie a mask or matte that blocks out part of the image behind it Since the two mattes will normally be complementary , and the combined image can be seen by inspection through the camera 's viewfinder , any faults , such as overlaps or gaps , should be observed at the time and , if possible , corrected on a second , third or fourth take This is more economical and satisfactory than getting the results of multiple passes back from the lab and discovering that a whole day 's work has to be redone .
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