Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] at [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The basic principle of drifting is to use the wind to fish line or dead-baits at distances greater than those to which baits could be cast .
2 Alternatively , vouchers are supplied and payment may be made by cash or cheque at banks and showrooms .
3 The latter require injection or deposition at altitudes 50km to take advantage of the strong easterly winds needed to account for the observed geographical range of the phenomenon .
4 An order may require the child to comply with any directions given by the supervisor : ( i ) to live at a specified place or places for certain periods of time ; ( ii ) to present himself to a specified person or persons at times and places as specified ; ( iii ) to participate in specified activities at certain times ( para 2 ) .
5 So if things are to be done quickly , an approach able to look without let or hindrance at problems , even the most deep-seated , is needed : to define them in the clearest terms : to suggest alternative ways to solutions : finally , to seek resources for those solutions .
6 Nationality as such was found to have little bearing upon patterns of friendship , reading of newspapers , watching of television , or attendance at theatres or concerts .
7 Polar bears for example will occasionally throw lumps of ice or rocks at seals while hunting them , and in captivity they regularly throw objects around , apparently in play .
8 Among the cheaper European destinations is Bulgaria , where Balkan Holidays ( 01-493 8612 ) offer a 7-night fly/drive with set itinerary and B&B at hotels from £239 , the route to include Golden Sands , the Borgas area , Plovdiv , Sofia and Veliko Turnovo in the Yantra Gorge .
9 And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space .
10 Thus it takes considerable courage and persistence at times for the carer to press the needs of the dependent , let alone her/his personal needs .
11 Apart from the value of the data itself , the exercise can be a useful preliminary to co-operation and co-ordination at grass-roots level .
12 Such passengers would then be met by reception committees and crowds at stations along the route , as well as at their destinations .
13 The water supply of over a million people living in the area are is contaminated by a range of pollutants , including heavy metals , and nitrates at concentrations of up to 25 times the permitted EC limits .
14 Faith , Religion and Ritual at Times of Loss
15 Electronics millionaire Alan Sugar , who made a fortune selling hi-fis and computers at prices even the Japanese could not match , is planning to buy back his Amstrad company from investors .
16 Isochronous Ethernet , which can carry voice , video , image and data at speeds up to 16Mbps , will be incorporated into IBM 's family of ValuePoint personal computers by the first half of next year , Joe Panella , programme manager for IBM 's Entry Systems Technologies Division in Boca Raton , Florida told US PC Week .
17 President Moi on March 1 imposed a permanent ban on demonstrations in Kenya following violent clashes on Feb. 23 between the police and mourners in Nairobi and Kisumu at services for Ouko [ see p. 37239 ] .
18 The myth was used by early churchmen as a vehicle for expressing their horror and disgust at women 's bodies : ‘ What is the difference whether it is in a wife or in a mother , it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any other woman1 , ’ wrote St Augustine in the late fourth century .
19 ( It was a pattern that repeated itself , and Helen oft en recognized its therapeutic value for herself and Edward at moments of difficulty throughout their married life . )
20 According to the record books , the North-east derby between Aberdeen and Dundee at Dens Park is an even more lop-sided affair .
21 Several supports broke up the smooth appearance of the walls , and joined the floor and ceiling at angles that did n't seem really workable .
22 Board games can enable pupils to interact and consider different viewpoints and motives at times in the past .
23 Since the quarrel which put the kingdoms of France and England at odds with each other was based upon historical differences , it was only reasonable that history should also have been used both to emphasise the differences between them , and to allow each to show itself how its own history and its own characteristics had developed .
24 Then there was Jimmy Boyd , who played for Newcastle in the 1932 Cup Final ( ‘ against your lot ’ says Ron ) and represented Scotland at soccer and England at bowls .
25 The correlation between median age at first marriage and infecundity at ages 20–24 years is negative and as strong as in the case of proportion married at exact age 16 years .
26 The club opened in May and is already full with 575 members paying £50 to £500 a year for membership , plus green fees of £10 on weekdays and £12 at weekends .
27 Instead of trying to compete head on with the likes of Our Price and HMV , he moved down-market , stocking cheaper CDs and tapes at prices starting at £2.99 .
28 The joint SCOTVEC/Management Charter Initiative Certificate in Management is a level IV SVQ , and SVQs at levels III and V are under development .
29 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
30 If everyone knows and obeys the rules traffic flow and safety at roundabouts is much improved .
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