Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been chief executive and/or chairman for twenty-five years and the tendency is to think you 're indispensable and you have to stay on until you 're seventy-five , as some people do .
2 In most circumstances internal KPMG referrals or requests for limited assistance from other offices , such as an introduction to an existing client or provision of non proprietary knowledge gained from a previous assignment , should not result in a fee being paid by the originating office to the receiving office .
3 This means that seven times out of ten the provision of clarification or information results in more of the same or requests for more .
4 Offers of help or requests for more information should be sent to .
5 For more information do write or 'phone for this excellent illustrated booklet .
6 For more details on the contraceptive methods mentioned in this leaflet , write in or 'phone for further information and a leaflet order form to the Family Planning Information Service FPIS , .
7 The bracket furthest away from the downpipe position will be higher than the outlet to give a fall of 1 in 500 ( 4mm for each 2m length or 1in for each 40ft ) .
8 A demand for undamaged fruit or vegetables for freezing has led to excessive ‘ cosmetic spraying ’ .
9 In general , further energies went into consolidation , as the struggle for day-to-day survival offered little time or opportunity for political mobilisation .
10 Roll up … large curls piled on top of the head by Mac & Co for high impact styling
11 Article Three , the treaty 's key article , stated that the " connection between the security of the two countries requires that Lebanon not become a source of threat to Syria 's security and vice versa under any circumstances … therefore , Lebanon will not allow itself to become a transit point or base for any force , state or organization that seeks to undermine its security or that of Syria " .
12 The general lack of compromise or provision for flexible or part-time work effectively chokes off the careers of many promising lawyers .
13 Charges £21 for a one-hour float , or £48 for three floats , as an introductory offer , and you need to book in advance .
14 The media portray some of the efforts that have been made as holidays or rewards for young offenders .
15 He was held without charge or trial for six months and then released .
16 In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons .
17 All railcards can be issued so that South Shropshire people no longer need go to Shrewsbury or Hereford for this purpose .
18 This involves nothing more than putting right the small faults such as leaks , poor control settings and using excessive temperatures or times for various energy consuming activities .
19 loss or damage for all the details to be given in a er , immediately .
20 For it had dawned upon her suddenly why she had been able to take such pure pleasure in the Lord Owen 's triumph , unspotted by any tincture of regret or sympathy for these humbled princes driven so ignominiously out of Wales at his hands .
21 Patio doors are made in timber , aluminium and plastic ( unplasticised polyvinyl chloride , or upvc for short ) .
22 Replacement windows are made in timber , aluminium , steel and plastic ( unplasticised polyvinyl chloride , or upvc for short ) .
23 ( 3 ) Damage to or loss of a motor vehicle and/or its accessories whilst in the hands of a Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder who is insured for such loss or damage , or liability for such loss or damage the loss damage or liability shall be admitted and dealt with by the party hereto insuring the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder subject to the limits of its policy , and if other insurance in respect of loss of or damage to such vehicle and/or its accessories exists with the other party hereto the latter shall subject to the limits of its policy reimburse to the insurer of the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder one-half of the amount paid in respect of such loss or damage .
25 Cost of any service or maintenance charge , or liability for common repairs ; and
26 These items are all connected , and any of them may be used as analogies or homologies for each other .
27 You 'd go to a school where they 'd been doing French or Latin for two or three years and you had n't done any at all .
28 The report could guide UK chemistry teaching into the 21st century , yet it allows children to be taught without atoms or molecules for eight of the 11 years that it covers .
29 But , more important , I believe that celebration of the other and devaluing of the self is one of the oldest , as it is one of the permanent ways by which human beings express love or admiration for each other .
30 It is because trying to give credit to this great poet commits a patriotic Englishman ( or Scotsman for that matter — Fraser is a Scot ) to very tormenting and unwelcome questions and reflections about the spiritual state of England or Scotland today , and over the last fifty years .
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