Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your knowledge of organisations can always be improved by visits to see particular processes or operations in action .
2 The other , a maid or tweeny in No 17 , had thin , wispy dark hair , and a white apron .
3 In the current judicial climate , difficulties in categorisation should not make a decision or award in contention any more likely to be upset .
4 Social progress means heading for the city , dropping Aymara or Quechua in favour of Spanish , adopting modern dress and weakening ties with the countryside .
5 If you take our recommended holiday insurance with the Eagle Star group and your baggage is not delivered within 12 hours from the time of arrival at your holiday destination due to delay or misdirection in delivery , you are covered up to £100 for essential purchases .
6 In the event of the Insured Person being deprived of baggage for at least 12 hours from the time of arrival at holiday destination due to delay or misdirection in delivery , the Norwich Union will pay to the Insured Person an amount of up to £75 for emergency purchase of essential items of clothing and requisites subject to certification of such delay , misdirection and expenditure by the HCI Representative .
7 This is not true of literature departments ; what they produce is criticism and scholarship , not literature , leaving out of account the occasional scholar-poet or writer in residence .
8 However , the primary use of lithium is for the prevention or reduction in intensity of subsequent episodes .
9 explained : ‘ Managers should keep an eye on staff , on any absences , illness , reduction in production levels , or reduction in quality levels . ’
10 Apart from intervention , the other usual response to currency pressure has been a rise or reduction in interest rates .
11 By prevention we understand the elimination or reduction in risk , perhaps by adequate zoning or safe routeing of shipments , for instance .
12 Any compensation shall not exceed the market value of the items lost , or reduction in value of items damaged .
13 The Corporation will indemnify the Policyholder in the event of an accident caused by or through or in connection with any Caravan described in the Schedule and the fixed site on which such Caravan is situated together with any fences hedges posts or chains in relation thereto against liability at law for damages and claimants costs and expenses in respect of
14 Holiday for 2 in Cuba or £1,000 in cash
15 For many that was Buncrana or Fahan in County Donegal where they surfed , skiied , took boat trips or just lay in the sun .
16 Documents can form the basis of many exercises or activities in class .
17 When that has been ascertained one must determine the nature of the receipts as capital or income in accordance with the law of England .
18 In such circumstances LCH may take certain steps that appear to be best calculated to discharge the member 's rights and liabilities under registered contracts and , upon such discharge , to certify two net sums : one the amount of the member 's net resulting liability or entitlement in respect of client account contracts ; and the other the amount of his net resulting liability or entitlement in respect of other registered contracts .
19 In such circumstances LCH may take certain steps that appear to be best calculated to discharge the member 's rights and liabilities under registered contracts and , upon such discharge , to certify two net sums : one the amount of the member 's net resulting liability or entitlement in respect of client account contracts ; and the other the amount of his net resulting liability or entitlement in respect of other registered contracts .
20 9.4 Disputes with adjoining occupiers If any dispute arises between the Tenant and the tenants or occupiers of other parts of the Centre or the Adjoining Property as to any easement right or privilege in connection with the use of the Premises and any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property or as to the boundary structures separating the Premises from any other property it shall be decided [ by the Landlord or in such manner as the Landlord shall direct or by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ] The problem with this provision is that it restricts the tenant in any action it may wish to take against other tenants , and could result in a dispute being settled against its best interests .
21 7.7.8 If at any time the Tenant shall be entitled to the benefit of any insurance on the Premises ( which is not effected or maintained in pursuance of any obligation contained in this Lease ) to apply all money received by virtue of such insurance in making good the loss or damage in respect of which such money shall have been received The landlord 's concern is to avoid the situation by which its insurers may refuse to pay the whole of the proceeds of insurance where the tenant has also taken out insurance cover for the premises , pursuant to a common provision found in insurance policies .
22 After the couple 's victory this week Yeo said : ‘ There is no room for political correctness or ideology in fostering .
23 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
24 The former is made up of the utilities of the various classes or groups in society , while the latter is the utility of the community as such , discussed by Pareto in terms of maximisation of national military and political power .
25 Unfortunately , increases in real output per capita often do leave some individuals or groups in society worse off .
26 9.2 Subject hereto and same insofar as any defect or error in any technical information shall give rise to any liability on the part of any Party to the Secretary of State for repayment of Grant or otherwise pursuant to an IEATP Offer of Grant each Party shall be under no further obligation or liability in respect of any technical information which it furnishes pursuant to this Agreement and no Warranty , Condition or Representation of any kind is made , given or to be implied as to its sufficiency , accuracy , or fitness for purpose , or freedom from infringement of patents or other Intellectual Property Rights and the receiving Party shall in each case be entirely responsible for the use to which it puts the same .
27 In the unlikely event that we fail to provide you with the services as confirmed to you by us at the time of booking or they are not of a reasonable standard , then we accept responsibility whether caused by our employees , agents or suppliers , save that ( i ) we shall not accept responsibility or liability for death , bodily injury or illness caused to you or others named on your booking form , except as set out below and ( ii ) we limit our responsibility or liability in respect of carriage by air , sea or land to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage .
28 The Birmingham Convention & Visitor Bureau accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of the information contained and the statements made in this publication or in the event of the bankruptcy or liquidation of any company or firm mentioned or in the event of any company or firm ceasing to trade or for any error or omission or any dissatisfaction associated with the holidays listed .
29 Thus in a case such as Anisminic one would say , inter alia , that if there is property in Egypt , which belongs to a British national or successor in title at the relevant dates , which has been seized , the FCC shall award compensation .
30 Should the meaning to be ascribed to a statutory term such as employee , trade , boat or successor in title always be regarded , in analytical terms , as a question of law ?
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