Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike Sam , or even me for that matter , he could admire a girl from afar , and leave it at that .
2 She did n't ask what my plans were , or press me for details of any other potentially embarrassing subject .
3 Environmental Issues is your magazine , and anything and everything is considered for inclusion , so do ring , write , fax or grab me at a conference ( well not literally ! ) with your information .
4 I have been convinced for a long time that people could not love , accept or respect me for the person I am , only for the amazing amount of exercise I can do .
5 A3 v Framwellgate Moor & Pity Me at Edinburgh Park ;
6 Ho , master greybeard loon , ’ he was shouting to Kelly , ‘ come fill the cup , or stap me for a whey-faced knave . ’
7 Something within him seemed to collapse but he did n't outwardly fall to pieces or rant or rave or even again try to pull out the arrow or finish me in any other way .
8 If you want to ask me something or tell me about something you put your hand up and wait for me to ask you .
9 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
10 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
11 Well , as no-one 'ad bought any of me violets or treated me to a sandwich , and me near dyin' of starvation , with no job and no lodgings , well , I was so desperate I went up and grabbed the wallet , which Blackbeard was wavin' about at Dan Pearson .
12 ‘ Either get up , or invite me in there with you . ’
13 But try to implicate me in any way — or use me as a trade-off- and it 'll be added to the police clear-up rate faster than the eye can follow .
14 But true to his plan not to do anything to interrupt , or to deflect me from , my studies , while I was up at Oxford , he took the first opportunity , now that I had gone down , to enlist my services with The Criterion .
15 Or ask me to ? ’
16 My poor mother , I am sure , could n't determine whether to commend my prudence or berate me for my lack of romance .
17 If you would like to know more about this ‘ Financial Health Check ’ write to me at the address below or call me on 0204 31627 .
18 ‘ You invent , or goad me into , some failing to give you cause for complaint , so that you can then screw around with a clear conscience .
19 You can show me or remind me of the difference between orange and pink , perhaps by showing me a colour chart .
20 ‘ I 've a great deal to thank-you for , Edward , ’ he said , ‘ not many would have helped me the way you did or taken me in the way I looked that night . ’
21 Or to congratulate me on my maiden speech ?
22 [ She ] … will not interpret my sharing of my pain as an assault , she will not turn away or urge me to be strong , or murmur some expression of sympathy or swallow hard because there is , finally , nothing to say to someone who is beyond comfort though not beyond caring .
23 Not once did EMF lose their tempers at my teasing or threaten me with physical violence .
24 If you can summon Victor , as Prospero summoned his unhappy servants , or help me in any other way , then I 'll be grateful .
25 Is there anyone who would act as a referee or recommend me for the job ?
26 It was like every time I got a letter or an insinuation from him that he cared , or that he really loved me or wanted me to be with him , it shocked me because he was n't good at showing that .
27 ‘ You 've no right to barge in here or treat me like this .
28 But whatever I am , you , madam , are not going to browbeat me , or insult me by one — word — more . ’
29 Please indicate , below , which day(s) you will be available to help ; either tear off the slip and return it to me , or phone me on ( 031 ) 453-3366 .
30 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
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