Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
2 Hindley says he is wicked , and ca n't play with me or eat with me any more . ’
3 If he wants to sit outdoors sometimes or eat with us .
4 Elevation Lie or sit with your legs raised higher than your waist .
5 They may also come to contract for the community health and care services their patients need , taking over from the social services departments or competing with them .
6 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
7 In the first place , half of the non-union green-field site companies did not have a formal system whereby management informed or consulted with their employees .
8 At the moment , we do not have the resources , knowledge or understanding with which to do so .
9 ( 9 ) The number of shares offered for ( when aggregated with the existing holdings of shares and rights over shares of the buyer and persons acting by agreement or understanding with him within the meaning of the SARs ) must not amount to 30 per cent or more of the voting rights of the company .
10 ‘ Does that mean you agree or disagree with me ? ’
11 Whether you agree or disagree with what they do , you have to accept that they 've worked out a very complicated system of values .
12 ‘ Mrs Cecil 's departure was preceded by such an entire sinking of her constitution and by an exhaustion tending so much to lethargy that she was seldom able to converse … and it was a peculiar favour to herself and daughters that Mr Simeon and her excellent son were in the house and watched for every reviving moment to pray or converse with her in all holy tenderness , till she ceased to breathe . ’
13 This is especially so when your goods have been changed into or mixed with something else or when your customer or your goods or both have disappeared .
14 But if I went to Joyce and told him that his men were doing something that was n't fair to the police , trying us too hard or interfering with our time off , he 'd have his men right off that job in half an hour and there 'd be no grumbling . ’
15 There is no inconsistency in my and my neighbour 's holding that we each should look after our own dog ( or sleep with our own wife , come to that ) .
16 Lovat ended that appeal by emphasising his belief that it was ‘ a most wise & prudent maxim that a man in power should do for those that he is pretty sure will stand & fall with him in all events ’ , and in general that was the major qualification for appointment to the judicial bench in eighteenth-century Scotland .
17 Ted puffed energetically at his , uncertain yet whether to congratulate himself on being parked up here with this very attractive young girl , or to commiserate with himself for his failure to make more than token progress .
18 The vigour , sometimes amounting to brutality , with which she utilized her seapower in time of war , by wholesale interference with neutral shipping carrying contraband or trading with her enemies , did much to increase the hostility with which she was now widely regarded .
19 Speaking on television on July 7 , he said : " At no time did anyone in the campaign , connected with the campaign , associated with the campaign , meet or negotiate or agree or conspire with anyone to delay the release of the hostages . "
20 A SUICIDAL father asked his nine-year-old daughter to choose whether she wanted to live with mummy or die with him .
21 Live with mummy or die with me
22 This figure does not , of course , take account of what you could earn on or do with your money if it was available to you .
23 Stalin would not have been suspected , or connected with his murder , and it would have provided an excellent reason for the purges , which Stalin began due to his paranoia of being replaced .
24 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
25 They enjoyed doing the shop , and wanted others to have the pleasure of listening to it as they drive in their car , or walk with their walkman .
26 ‘ If you wish to sit up talking with Claudine , however , or walk with her in the moonlight … ’
27 Never mind the divorce statistics , an encouraging 92% of those married , or living with their partners , said they are still in love .
28 The society 's questionnaire would disclose whether the applicant was single or living with someone , what type of relationship they were in , and how many children they planned .
29 ‘ … one who deals with goods at the request of the person who has the actual custody of them , in the bona fide belief that the custodian is the true owner , should be excused for what he does if the act is of such a nature as would be excused if done by the authority of the person in possession , if he was a finder of the goods or entrusted with their custody … .
30 The circumstances in which this was adopted as an epoch , instead of the time when the Prophet was either born or entrusted with his divine mission or died , are explained by al-Biruni ( AD 973– c. 1050 ) in his great work The Chronology of Ancient Nations .
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