Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The assumption was that later information would allow some of these paths to be eliminated ; the graph would ‘ narrow ’ because hypotheses at some point were acoustically clearer and/or limited by top-down information .
2 Chambers ( 1983 forthcoming , and in shorter form 1980 a and b ) has exhorted government officials to be aware that ‘ in developing countries poor rural people and rural poverty in general are underperceived or misperceived by those who themselves are neither poor nor rural ’ .
3 Legitimate : ( a ) etymologically , the word expresses a status , which has been conferred or ratified by some authority ; ( b ) conformable to law or rule .
4 A.1.2 is not to be affected or limited by any previous or other disclosures , express or implied , to the Purchaser , its officers , representatives or professional advisers .
5 To complete this discussion of exclusion clauses it should be noted that , by section 7 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , liability for defective products under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 can not be excluded or limited by any contract term .
6 By virtue of s41 of CPA 1987 , breach of a safety regulation , as distinct from the general safety requirement , is also grounds for a civil action by any person affected which can not be excluded or limited by any contract term or notice .
7 Editor , — Moira E O'Meara and J Gareth Jones state that a laryngeal mask may prove life saving when a patient is impossible to intubate or ventilate by traditional methods .
8 Editor , — Moira E O'Meara and J Gareth Jones mention the life saving potential of the laryngeal mask when the patient is impossible to intubate or ventilate by traditional methods .
9 All types of bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia , whether supraventricular or ventricular , can be worsened or provoked by antiarrhythmic drugs .
10 Rapeman 's brief British college tour was a shambles , every show either cancelled or picketed by irate student unions .
11 However , it was reported on May 7 that 35 leading officials in the newly established intelligence service department of the Interior Ministry had been removed following leaks of secret information , and the screening of various sections of the security services was reported to be well advanced or completed by early May .
12 ‘ a systematic analysis of federal administrative , civil and criminal actions either initiated or completed by 25 federal agencies … against the 477 largest publicly owned manufacturing corporations in the US during 1975 and 1976 .
13 Illness is identified or diagnosed by medical practitioners .
14 The term ‘ lost continents ’ invokes two quite separate phenomena , which are often muddled through ignorance or deceit by those seeking to ‘ prove ’ the one-time existence of Atlantis and the rest .
15 That any of our pubs can , at a stroke , be shut down or altered by uncaring owners , without any proper consultation with users or the community , is little short of a continuing national disgrace .
16 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
17 On this model the local authority would be left with a limited number of central staff concerned to monitor and regulate service delivery organized by private concerns — for example , in street cleaning and refuse disposal — or undertaken by autonomous voluntary agencies — such as housing associations or schools directly managed by elected governors .
18 In the late nineteenth century the Jersey colours included tawny red , yellow , pale fawn , lemon fawn , smoky fawn , grey fawn , silver to frosty grey , brown , dun or black and these could be whole-coloured or broken by separate patches of white , large or small .
19 Moreover , unlike the clause in Cade the terms had never been negotiated or agreed by any trade association on behalf of farmers .
20 That is what has made the Tory policy of selling off council houses at prices advantageous to the tenants a much more electorally significant event than any of the plans for wider share ownership promoted or floated by Tory , Liberal Democrat or Labour politicians .
21 Clean fractions can go for re-use , metallics can be recycled , and soils can be cleaned or stabilised by biological , chemical , thermal or physical means .
22 He is one of the few people I have ever met who has never been either inflated or deflated by personal possessions .
23 We need to think about ourselves as well-functioning organisms without becoming too self-conscious , inhibited or paralysed by morbid introspection .
24 It follows from the foregoing that a condition of the type at issue in the main proceedings , which stipulates that where a vessel is owned or chartered by natural persons they must be of a particular nationality , and where it is owned or chartered by a company the shareholders and directors must be of that nationality , is contrary to article 52 of the E.E.C .
25 Such maintenance work is , however , not considered sufficiently interesting or challenging by many of those who are qualified to do development work .
26 The authority hereby given may at any time ( subject to the said Section 80 ) be renewed , revoked or varied by Ordinary Resolution of the Company in General Meeting .
27 The authority hereby given may at any time ( subject to the said Section 80 ) be renewed , revoked or varied by Ordinary Resolution of the Company in General Meeting .
28 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
29 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
30 Poverty huddles in corners or squats by pitiful displays of chocolates long past their sellby date .
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