Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] at [num] " in BNC.

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1 Thus modern British coinage has a die axis of twelve o'clock : when the coin is held above and below the Queen 's head and then rotated , the design on the back appears upright or aligned at twelve o'clock .
2 Further , many females who are alienated or marginalised at one stage of their lives are included at another , and vice versa .
3 From the top , you will have a glorious view , and you can go for a walk , or relax at one of the mountain top restaurants , sitting on the terrace and drinking in the views .
4 A person 's membership of the committee is automatically terminated : ( i ) if he becomes bankrupt ( his trustee replaces him ) or he compounds with his creditors ; ( ii ) if he is not present or represented at three consecutive meetings ( unless at the third meeting it is resolved that this rule will not apply ) ; and ( iii ) if he ceases to be or is found never to have been a creditor ( r 6.158 ) .
5 For Londonderry , tel ( 0504 ) 266663 or call at 18 , Great James Street .
6 tel , ( 0504 ) 266663 or call at 18 , Great James Street .
7 A new series but called Grace and Favour at eight .
8 Aspirates were immediately treated with anticoagulant ( 9:1 v/v 10% EDTA ) and centrifuges at 3500 rpm at 4°C for 10 minutes .
9 Embryos are finally transferred into drops of M 16 + BSA ( -50 u1 ) under paraffin oil in plastic Petri dishes , and incubated at 37 -C in an atmosphere of 5% C02 in air .
10 Thus a stream of pulses lasting 1 second each and given at 10 second intervals could be the ‘ background ’ ( they could be sound pulses or pulses on a screen , for example ) ; the ‘ signal ’ being sought could be the absence of a pulse , one that was shorter or longer than the standard value or one that appeared too soon or too late .
11 When we look at the electronic information base of a local authority we need to find ways in which Councillors and Officers can communicate with clarity , confidence and trust at four broad levels :
12 They had slept beside it the previous night , and rose at five to make sure of reaching the top by sunrise .
13 After allowing passengers a short time at Barmouth , the engines were exchanged and 75069 , hauling the London train , left at 1530 , crossed the local in Tywyn at 1600 , left Tywyn at 1620 , arrived Machynlleth at 1650 and departed at 1716 , on its way to Shrewsbury .
14 No wonder Gazza was immediately mobbed by his disbelieving team-mates and no wonder Maradona , now mentally and physically battered and bruised at 32 , is happy to pass on his tainted crown to him .
15 It was like a chain , with Leconte and Forget at one end .
16 Organised by the Alton Inner Wheel , it will feature clothes supplied by the fashion shop Experience , and starts at 7.30 p.m .
17 The dance will combine disco and modern ballroom dancing and starts at 8 pm .
18 The Afternoon Class starts at 1.00 pm and finishes at 3.00 pm .
19 The Morning Class starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 11.45 am .
20 It starts at 8.30 and finishes at 10.30 , so clients can stay in bed if they like .
21 Wilde was a Welshman as were two other of the great Edwardian boxers , Freddie Welsh , the lightweight champion of Britain in 1909 , and Jim Driscoll , the world bantamweight champion who ended his days ‘ Wandering around the pubs of London , penniless , and dying at 44 ’ .
22 grease and flour a 7 ″ sandwich tin , pour in mixture and cook at 350 degrees , for 20 mins .
23 Sir William Pickering was Knight Marshal to Henry VIII , and when he died in 1542 he left Oswaldkirk to his 24-year-old son , an extremely handsome and distinguished courtier and diplomat , brave and wise as well , and considered at one time as a suitor for Queen Elizabeth .
25 She knew that Sue worked as a nurse four nights a week , going on duty some time after the children had gone to bed in the evening , and returning at seven in the morning .
26 It was that sort of place , closely knit , tight , and all go : working to horns , starting at eight and ending at five .
27 Smoking in women was virtually unchanged , starting at eight of the 16 in hypertensives and seven of 16 in controls , and ending at six of 16 and seven of 16 respectively .
28 Each pulse sweeps through a range of frequencies like an ultrasonic siren , for example , starting at 80 000 hertz and ending at 40 000 hertz .
29 Libby had been heaving and pushing at one of the logs , covered with rotten bark that peeled off , revealing orange insect eggs and small white channels like blood vessels covering the surface .
30 At meal times the children would make a line and wait at one end of the room , where a table had been placed , there they would be given a helping of that day 's menu .
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