Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it is illegal to import it , send it through the post or display it to the general public .
2 Thus hearing a word , or producing it in response to an incomplete definition , will not prime visual word recognition .
3 It I think forty five they started negotiating forty five forty to forty seven and er when we tried to alter the national agreement or change it in our minds for the better you always had the solid block of these wee fellows up and down the country sticking by the national agreement because they got such a good deal out of it it brought their standards right up to the the best that was going .
4 Feeling unable to see just then how Cara , even with her journalistic experience , would have fared better with a man who , somehow without you noticing , turned every question or countered it with one of his own , Fabia resolved , as Lubor Ondrus turned into a driveway and steered the Skoda uphill , to do better .
5 Or rubs it on his ear ? ’
6 For example , if one arm of a conglomerate offering financial advice to a client acquires , whether directly or indirectly , inside information from that client and , without that client 's express or implied consent , deals on it , or relays it to others who deal on it , the conglomerate is potentially liable for an action brought by the client for breach of confidence .
7 Clicking with the mouse while the cursor is positioned over one of the buttons turns on the appropriate function or turns it off it is already on .
8 However , when you come to knit the design , or load it from memory ready to knit , then it does matter , as we shall see later .
9 Chetnik paid the rates not appreciating that by virtue of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act rates were not payable on any unoccupied hereditament for any period during which the owner was prohibited by law from occupying the hereditament or allowing it to be occupied .
10 The putting of the city to the ban , or devoting it to the Lord , as the RSV puts it , is part of Joshua 's final orders to the people on the seventh day , and receives no mention in God 's initial instructions to him .
11 Always carry it with you or push it into the soil .
12 Mistake it for something else or push it beyond its limits and its purpose may be destroyed .
13 A cross spirituality will ensure that you and I are never tempted to follow fashions and fads in church life which , attractive though they may seem , ignore the cross or push it to one side .
14 Many may have discovered that the trouble-free lifestyle they had planned has turned out to be a good bit less well-regulated and tidy than they had expected or intended it to be .
15 or clips it like that and you ca n't tell
16 What this argument suggests in Gandhi 's case is that he does not abandon his commitment to the principle of non-violence or qualify it in any way when he approves the destruction of life .
17 There was none of the violence of illness in it , no writhing or moaning , and it was never impatient or irritable when Kalchu tried to feed it or probed it for sores .
18 The minister told a questioner later : ‘ To somehow suggest that this incident of 1,000MBq released into the atmosphere is somehow responsible for massive contamination of the food chain … it clearly is nonsense to suggest that or to compare it in any way with Chernobyl . ’
19 If a person wishes to give up his physical integrity in certain circumstances , or to risk it for the sake of sport or excitement , should the criminal law allow the consent to negative what would otherwise be a crime ?
20 The terms respondents used to describe the advantages of early retirement , or to rationalize it in retrospect , often showed concern for the position of young people in the labour market , although this was rarely cited as a reason for taking early retirement .
21 He seemed more likely to blow a kiss than to throw a punch ; to be at a dinner-table than to be down in the dives ; to be rubbing shoulders than to be shoving or sticking it to the comfortable ( I almost said to the bourgeoisie . )
22 If the visitor has such jurisdiction , the court has no power to ignore it or review it by way of mandamus or in any other way .
23 comments you could consider entering it or part of it in one of the many fiction competitions or submitting it in total to a which takes fiction .
24 The LC layer is used as a shutter , blocking light or transmitting it onto a screen .
25 Control the interview or lose it to the candidate ?
26 Whether for chamfering , grooving , templating or using it for intricate decorative work , this machine will help you do it cleanly and quickly .
27 They 're not showing theirs or using it for any other purpose just for the dog 's benefit .
28 Many cities run the trees through chippers , paying for the operation by selling the mulch or using it in public parks .
29 Distributors can sell an X server with integrated Display PostScript software as a stand-alone product , or bundle it with Adobe 's TranScript software for PostScript language printing in Unix environments , an Adobe Software Development Kit , or additional fonts .
30 And as Joe was saying , he said , all we do is just go back to them and just try and say well look you know when you come to see us again do you want to accept this or regret it on the basis that you 're going to strike , but all the other section in the company 's accepted that .
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