Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to with " in BNC.

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1 Or attempted to with a net !
2 These were then filed and added to with frequent reports , letters , and documents .
3 Her is an illustrated story to be lingered over and added to with discussion by adult readers or those introducing children not only to the magic of adventure and solid drawing but to the underlying message that is a sober reminder of our obligations to the life and lives of the earth .
4 After a hasty meal we assembled all hands , distributed torches and rummage equipment and set to with forced enthusiasm , as we knew from experience that often these hot suspect ships had been hammered unmercifully by a succession of rummage crews at every arrival , besides which we were not feeling at our best .
5 I slipped into the great four-poster bed , whispered a few French endearments I had learnt from a wench and set to with a will .
6 Benjamin and Agrippa drew their hangers and set to with a will , the eerie silence of that lonely road shattered by grunts , muttered oaths and the scraping clash of steel .
7 ‘ Fat lot of use leather gear is to you under these circumstances , ’ she mumbled , and set to with her scissors to cut away his shredded clothes .
8 and went to with her pal
9 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
10 This was regarded and listened to with some incredulity by the majority of the airmen , whose main ambition regarding Waafs had much to do with getting them into dark corners , like behind the Naafi , and nothing whatever to do with playing the flute or any other instrument .
11 Even if the suggestion that is made is not feasible , it should be listened to with courtesy and responded to with the respect that such an offer demands .
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