Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the Lake District prints at this time were made by craftsmen from either paintings or drawings or developed from sketchbook studies produced by painters who never actually touched the print themselves .
2 People save , or refrain from consumption , today in order to consume more tomorrow .
3 Firms can collude to fix prices , to restrict sales outlets , to enforce tie-in sales or refrain from advertising , to mention just some of the restrictive practices by which firms and labour organizations reduce competition between existing sellers and erect barriers to entry from new competition .
4 The open day at the centre at St Catherine 's Hospital , Birkenhead , between 10am and 4pm , is aimed at people who have had a heart attack , are waiting for or recovering from surgery , or have a family history of heart disease .
5 William 's accession to the English throne marked a return to the attitude of hostility to France , and for almost all of the following 125 years England was either at war with France or preparing for war with France or recovering from war with France .
6 A saving is one way of looking at it or profiting from education is another way , apparently what the Conservatives would wish to do , they wish to make people pay for education and there is no other way of looking at it .
7 Any character may take this item , but each time it is used ( not just when it is worn ! ) , the wearer must make a successful WP test or suffer from despair for D10 turns .
8 WARNING If you are overweight , pregnant or suffer from back pain or any medical condition , consult your doctor before attempting these exercises
9 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
10 The sheet is then printed on one side with the sheet being turned or tumbled from front to rear to print the opposite side .
11 All of us assumed that she 'd wandered off to die alone and that , sooner or later , we 'd come across her body , sprawled in a ditch or hidden from view in a clump of thorn trees .
12 In the UK , lakes in Snowdonia National Park , most of mid Wales , the Lake District , Cairngorms , Pennines and even on the Surrey heaths , are dead or dying from acidity .
13 In the case of the spontaneous goals from which the ends are chosen , the same neutrality would be theoretically conceivable ; it is possible to imagine a being immune from pleasure and pain , who is moved towards or away without either welcoming or shrinking from awareness .
14 This is certainly a difficult poem for any translator to attempt — but then there is no Horatian lyric that could be called " easy " ; there are besetting problems , concerning metre and form , concerning word order , concerning a lexicon in which patent meanings are shadowed by possibilities of other meanings , concerning the importance of allusion , and above all the Horatian craft that mingles these elements interdependently , in patterns that persist or shift from strophe to strophe .
15 Within the chromosomes of a single individual , however , there are processes whereby pieces of DNA are duplicated , or moved from place to place .
16 Added to this , a company may wish to cut its costs or to benefit from Government or local authority financial assistance .
17 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
18 A US army report released on Feb. 26 said that as much as 25 per cent of the population might either have died , have been injured or suffered from cholera or dysentery .
19 Around 4,000 koala bears are run down by traffic , killed by dogs or die from disease and lack of food in Australia every year , preservationists said .
20 Fire doors and shutters must not be blocked or prevented from opening and sprinklers or fire detection devices must be kept clear and unobstructed .
21 Members have the opportunity to paint or sketch from still-life arrangements or a model or to choose their own subject matter .
22 First , whether you are investing a lump sum or saving from income , you can never start too soon .
23 Whether you are investing a lump sum or saving from income , most financial advisers would agree that the vehicle with the lowest charges and the highest potential investment return is either a PEP or a unit trust regular savings scheme .
24 Left with no one with whom he could discuss the farm-work and stock when the day 's toil was over , Jonadab became more and more morose , spending most evenings staring into the fire or wandering from building to building , checking his animals .
25 During the interval , eighty-eight had been made redundant , downgraded or fired from work .
26 Special lighting effects , such as spotlighting one performer , or moving from group to group leaving part of the floor in darkness , all helps to add atmosphere , but , of course , is only possible with a large number and in a suitably equipped arena or hall .
27 16 years old for small agricultural tractor mounted on wheels and specially licensed or exempt from vehicle excise duty .
28 ‘ By the common law of England the judges have the right to determine who shall be admitted to practise as barristers and solicitors : and , as incidental thereto , the judges have the right to suspend or prohibit from practice .
29 Additional allowances that can be paid include a constant attendance allowance , exceptionally severe disablement allowance , and reduced earnings supplement , which is paid to those who are unable to work in their normal occupation as a result of industrial accident or disease , and can be claimed either in addition to or separate from disablement benefit , payable where appropriate .
30 If the child has ever had a severe reaction , or suffers from asthma , then the retesting must be done very cautiously .
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