Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She first offered monarchs to four ‘ experimental ’ birds and viceroys to four ‘ control ’ birds ; she recorded how many times the birds avoided the butterflies or pecked at them .
2 Brower then offered viceroys to both classes of jays and recorded whether they avoided or pecked at them .
3 Brower then offered viceroys to both classes of jays and recorded the number of trials in which they avoided the butterflies or pecked at them ; the numbers in the Table give her results .
4 ‘ Oh , Great-gran , I 'll either have to laugh at you or yell at you .
5 In 1984 , it became common for bail conditions , following arrests during the strike , to require those charged not to visit any premises or place for the purpose of picketing or demonstrating in connection with the current trade dispute between the NUM and the National Coal Board other than peacefully to picket or demonstrate at their usual place of employment .
6 Dame Edna Everage may make us laugh at prejudice , but are we smiling or laughing at ourselves ?
7 Sixty-eight per cent of the population have read or looked at it in the past year .
8 Or leering at her , to be more precise , but in a good-humoured way .
9 Many parents manage aggression by hitting or shouting at their child .
10 erm you know never mind that most children who are beaten or abused or die at their , the hands of their parents er you know , do so at the hands of their heterosexual parents
11 I did n't use to curse or swear at them .
12 His wife nodded at his side but continued to clean the pans without replying or looking at him .
13 I I think erm , that it can be looked at to , without H R T or looking at it medically , because lots of the women at Dean Terrace , in fact have
14 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
15 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
16 Mrs Reid 's religion was the love of humanity and she found it hard that the first women 's college should win so very little understanding or support at its outset , especially from men .
17 It can be a fairly minor loss , like social status or face — some people suffer agonies for fear that someone will laugh at them or sneer at their taste or intelligence , for example .
18 She complained that British men must be homosexual not to make a pass at her or look at her legs .
19 We can not literally weigh religious truth-claims or look at them through a micro- scope .
20 Commission-paid salesmen sit or stand at their telephones calling punters and reading aloud their sales pitch : a sheet of paper on which is scrawled details of their investment proposition .
21 Or to look at it from the social point of view — he 's just one man among many , the loss would be well within reason and convenience .
22 Or to look at it another way — we are little men , we do n't know the ins and outs of the matter , there are wheels within wheels , etcetera — it wold be presumptuous of us to interfere with the designs of fate or even of kings .
23 Or to look at it in another way , if all the defaulters in community charge payments were paying their due amount , perhaps these closures would not be necessary .
24 My only caveat is that ethnic origin should not be concealed from the selectors , who may find ways to deduce or guess at it .
25 Locked together now , welded , this was purely a matter of power and its absence , history 's eternal lesson of the powerful absorbing the powerless , as first her lack of resistance and then her wild response empowered Luke — to take , to give , to plunder or to reward at his pleasure .
26 Many of the symptoms of jet-lag relate to how we feel , but such an explanation does not explain why we should feel below par , and seems less acceptable when one would expect the mind to be concentrated on enjoying oneself on holiday or performing at one 's peak on business or at athletics , for instance .
27 Even so , Artemis had no time to relax or to shout at whoever it was still charging up beside her to slow down because the hill was beginning to flatten out into the dip and they were fast approaching the big open ditch .
28 To anyone who has been in the Army or detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure , or even attended a public school ( and there are a disturbing number who have managed all three ) , the dining room at Plas y Benenin is a familiar place .
29 Consequently , some horses will go down in the paddock and eat more grass , others will walk or canter up and down the fence endlessly expecting their food , while others will call , ‘ I want my dinner ! ’ , or strike at their stable doors , or paw at the fencing .
30 In addition , they control resources which can be withdrawn or redeployed at their discretion , and are of vital importance for workers ' livelihood and the revenue base of state expenditure .
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