Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to some " in BNC.

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1 They do not spring from a vacuum or according to some arbitrary whim of the people and legislators , but have their origins in the human need to control and order existence .
2 This reimbursement may be either at cost or according to some laid-down scale or negotiated scale of charges .
3 But whatever the origins the fairy folk warning has never been left to chance and the ‘ Luck ’ still exists ; it is either locked away in a strong room on the premises or according to some accounts stored safely in the custody of the Bank of England .
4 This reimbursement may be either at cost or according to some laid-down scale or negotiated scale of charges .
5 Under this model residents can seek treatment anywhere and their home authority is obliged to reimburse the providing authority , either at cost or according to some laid-down scale of charges . [ … ]
6 The placing of additional edges onto an Agenda means that the search can proceed depth-first , breadth-first or according to some more complicated algorithm that might , for example , take into account the scores of different hypotheses .
7 ONE OF the doughty pack leaders to emerge in the late 1940's from the Manchester scrum of ‘ palaeomagnetists ’ was S , Keith Runcorn — a former Cambridge engineer with an almost unhealthy liking for the rough and tumble of the rugby field , Keith Runcorn is now professor of physics , and geophysics supremo , at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne — and incidentally the president of the university 's rugby club , To honour Runcorn 's reaching the age of 60 , the university organised earlier this month a three-day conference on ‘ Magnetism , planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System ’ , Since the Second World War , geology has undergone conceptual upheavals as never before , The apparently ludicrous ideas proposed by Alfred Wegener in the 1920s , that the Earth 's continents were drifting around , have found solid ground , The evidence came from physicists inspired by wartime work on radar , by cosmic-ray research and the discovery that some rotating stars have a magnetic field , The physicists set themselves the task of measuring whether rotating bodies on Earth also produce magnetic fields , The eminent Patrick Maynard Blackett devised a highly sensitive magnetometer for this work , but finding that a spinning gold cylinder produced no magnetic field , turned his machine to measuring rock magnetism , A school of expertise concerned with ‘ fossilised magnetism ’ developed around him at Manchester and later at Imperial College , London , The fruits of such work inspired a reappraisal of continental drift and new theories to explain the mechanisms responsible for moving the continents , and later produced the foundations on which were forged the unifying concepts of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading , Runcorn applies an enormous enthusiasm to all that he takes on — as many past students and editors of various science journals can testify , His first notoriety came with his attempts to determine whether the Earth 's general magnetic field was related to the planet 's rotation , or related to some deep-seated phenomenon , To determine this he took his magnetometer down some of the deep Lancashire coal pits .
8 The law does not permit the right of the press freely to report proceedings in open court to be fettered , notwithstanding that such reporting would be inconvenient , embarrassing or damaging to some individual who has featured in the case .
9 Mr Connolly said he had written to Mr Clarke saying he very much hoped Labour 's commitment to the retention of water services under local government control extended to returning those services to councils ‘ in the unhappy event of any form of privatisation or transfer to some hybrid organisation ’ .
10 I am sure , however , that the idea of the entire SBG being given away or sold to some form of socialised ownership would not be too popular in that quarter .
11 Decide on your herbs , and then find out what kind of soil they need — moist , heavy and deep , or dry , well-drained and short of plant food ; also whether they do best in sun or a little shade , with shelter , or exposed to some wind , and whether they are immune to cold , or need cosseting and protection .
12 And can you refute or respond to some of the criticisms ? )
13 The underlying premise of Papert , Servan-Schreiber and their colleagues at the Centre Mondial is that children and adults , lawyers and journalists , the rulers and the ruled , can all assimilate compute culture without either losing their own , or surrendering to some centrally imposed scheme of , knowledge .
14 I am not trying to suggest that there is some conspiracy at work to centralise the importance of Shakespeare when it should be more widely shared or go to some other figure .
15 He can continue to appeal , or go to some other level , until he feels justice has been done .
16 Just as importantly , he is possessed of a generosity of mind which allows him to be calmly judicious about the merits of writers who can advocate militant homosexuality and drug-taking ( such as Thom Gunn ) , sympathise with feminism ( Elaine Feinstein ) or adhere to some variant of Marxism ( Hugh MacDiarmid ) .
17 It was just that it was intriguingly difficult to tell if he was issuing blunt ultimatums to a financial contact , or responding to some emotional problem at the other end of the line …
18 A preference by employers that bargaining relationships should follow the contours of an entire industry , or relate to some other multiple of firms , was often matched by similar union attitudes towards bargaining structure .
19 By leasing he could not only spread the payments , but either enjoy for himself the benefit of a 100 per cent tax write-off on the asset of the plane in the first year , or come to some arrangement with a financier , who would build the tax deduction into the price .
20 The organizers are often faced with the dilemma of whether they should adopt an all-out militant campaign with the risk that in the end all will be lost and nothing gained in spite of the expenditure of a great deal of energy , time and sometimes money ; or come to some agreement with the authorities whereby something can be gained , even though it falls far short of the full objectives of the group and will not significantly affect the position of , and relationships between , vested interests .
21 The equatorial and polar radii have been measured by various means and correspond to some level above the cloud tops .
22 A number of distinct bands were recognised , and binding to some of these ( 110 kDa , 45 kDa ) was salt concentration dependent .
23 Mr Moynihan blamed his defeat on the ‘ collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote , which came from Labour some years ago and has to some extent returned there ’ .
24 I 've been and watched and contributed to some degree , erm or at least in listening to the reports of governors at the school , erm , in the allocation of some of their contracts , which of course include some being let under L M S and some being let under G M S , with regard to building and cleaning , they were very disappointed with the presentation that the D S O gave , and even though the D S O was eight thousand pounds less than the competing bidder , O C S , they gave the contract to O C S , and a report has had to be made to the district auditor to give their reasons .
25 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
26 Here again I was able to prove myself useful and to gain a little kudos : I could compose with what seemed to others an astonishing facility an ode or sonnet on behalf of some lovesick junior and addressed to some beefy , lacrosse-playing heroine in whom I myself had no emotional interest whatsoever .
27 The Jan. 18 , 1991 , edition of El Pais printed a copy of a letter written by the ETA command , dated Oct. 26 , 1990 , and addressed to some 200 liberal professionals , demanding the payment of " revolutionary tax " of between 5,000,000 and 20 million pesetas .
28 IAN McCANN cruises the mean streets of Kingston to find out what a crap fist they 're making of the great man 's legacy , and to talk to some of those who helped make him the Third World 's finest musical ambassador .
29 We 've been back to some of the places in the film to see what changes there 've been and to talk to some of the people who were in the original film .
30 I hope this collection of information and anecdotes , which form an integral part of the story of sound recording itself , will inspire readers to visit the National Sound Archive and listen to some treasures for themselves .
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