Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] in such " in BNC.

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1 Disorderly conduct bears the same significance as it does in the section 5 offence , and is likely to involve conduct such as shouting or singing in such a way as to alarm persons near by , uncertainty of gait , staggering , lurching or swaying , and behaviour that causes people to take evasive action .
2 The susceptibility of individuals to disease ; if animals are kept or treated in such a way that their immune system does not work very well , that in itself tells you that their welfare is less good than it might be .
3 Learning is a process whereby knowledge , skills and attitudes are acquired or modified in such a way that human behaviour is more or less permanently changed .
4 Whenever the professor is engaged in research work within the University being research work which is funded in whole or in part by an outside body on terms that any invention , know-how , copyright or information arising in the course of such work shall be patented , dealt with or otherwise used or exploited in such manner as the outside body may direct , any such invention , know-how , copyright or information shall be subject to the terms of the agreement with the outside body and the professor is required to comply with all obligations including those of confidentiality imposed by that agreement .
5 Usually a husband and wife are regarded as living together if they are not separated under a court order or a deed of separation or separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent ( Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 , s282 ) .
6 Some adjustments can amount to a loss of steadfastness , others can lead to values becoming curtained or shadowed in such a way that they are no longer clear to other people .
7 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
8 If you had asked him , I suppose that he would not have been able to give a very convincing answer as to why he was walking , or looking , or watching in such an apparently random and obsessive fashion .
9 There appears , moreover , to be nothing to support Husameddin 's account of the circumstances of the death of " Mehmed Sah " , together with Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa , in 832 beyond the purported letter from Molla Fenari to Murad II which Husameddin mentions but neither quotes nor identifies in such a manner as to make it accessible .
10 In Freudian terms these would be clear symbols of the fear of castration , but the laws of classical psychoanalytic interpretation are bent and broken in Such , and if anything it is the concept of the castration complex itself that is mutilated by its subjection to the laws of physics .
11 The cry of the human infant ( and this effect applies especially if it is one 's own ) is pitched at a level , and varied in such a way , as to be nigh impossible to ignore or get used to .
12 The front leg then lifts into a roundhouse kick and drops in such a way that the hips are cocked for a powerful reverse punch .
13 But the mare was arching her back and groaning in such agony now that Luke only just managed to keep her on her feet .
14 DAALNY HAD discarded at once her anger and her pleading as soon as the choice was made , and made in such a fashion that she knew it could not be changed .
15 How section 60(2) is to be construed and applied in such a case , or in the equivalent case of an assignment , is a question that need not be decided in the instant case .
16 Four networks , reflecting the ideologies of the four major Palestinian parties , Fatah , the DFLP , PFLP and the Communist Party , established committees all over the occupied territories to advance women 's affairs , run kindergartens and literacy classes , assist with income-generating projects , and provide legal advice and support in such matters as employment .
17 He breathes , digests , lifts an arm , takes the next step , without thinking how to do it , and if bad health forces him to analyse and choose in such peripheral matters he is sorry to be distracted from his central concerns .
18 Towards the end of each I will describe a recent example of a person who lived and suffered in such a way .
19 I think it is important to reassert the depths of support for such measures in Scotland and , more generally , for the principles of welfare which underpin them and stand in such sharp comparison to attitudes south of the Border .
20 I think it is important to reassert the depths of support for such measures in Scotland and , more generally , for the principles of welfare which underpin them and stand in such sharp comparison to attitudes south of the Border .
21 The houses are modern and living conditions are good , but most people would admit that tax concessions are the main incentives which encourage people to live and work in such extreme climatic conditions .
22 Scottish public opinion is rightly outraged that land can be bought and sold in such a fashion .
23 The objective is to transform instincts and desires in such a way that they can be fitted to the overall goals of a person 's deliberative life .
24 He had his light back , and his blankets , they brought him food , and in every movement he was acutely aware of his still resilient sinews , and the smooth round joints that turned and bent in such a beautiful and ingenious fashion .
25 Infectious diseases , particularly the diarrhoeal diseases , are both difficult to prevent and control in such circumstances and they are largely responsible for the high morbidity and mortality rates in many areas of the world .
26 It is as if each writer had taken the memory of some powerful event ( the terrible shock of being woken by a piercing noise ; discovering the ‘ magical ’ properties of magnets ) and daydreamed in such a concentrated way about it that a group of people , a situation , a story began to emerge .
27 The examination is set and marked in such a way that it excludes by its very nature from Science and Social Studies papers any questions based on the local environment .
28 Pupils can sometimes be diffident in expressing their anxieties about their visual condition and may be greatly helped if they can talk to someone knowledgeable and experienced in such matters who is unlikely to be surprised by incidents which can be a worry to some youngsters , such as , for instance , a glass eye lost in the swimming pool or the effect of strong light on a photophobic ( averse to glare ) pupil which makes him sit with closed eyes .
29 It may have brought much comfort ( or much discomfort ! ) , it may have been continuing or a once only meeting but nevertheless was important in that another Christian was alongside to listen and share in such a way that you travelled on encouraged .
30 It 's a useful way of getting a perspective on the present , to realize that people think and feel in such different ways , in totally alien ways , that are completely unsympathetic , which is why feminism is an interesting development , because the ability to read something written in a totally patriarchal tradition , and to make the sympathetic adjustment , giving him his due , recognizing that he could n't have thought what you think , because people did n't think like that then … .
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