Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [that] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Between the ages of 33 and 33–½ my mind changed , I think due to mere terror , or the outrageous ageing process , or gross deliberate indulgence , or love and emotion , or noticing that all around me friends and enemies were having children and were tons happier than I ever thought possible , or all of a sweet serious sudden it just seemed the only thing to do .
2 Or written that fucking awful Graveyard Shift thing . ’
3 I think from that report there was a there was a requirement or request that perhaps the theatre should actually have a public meeting to talk about which way the theatre was going what things were going on at the theatre and that 's what the meeting is for this evening .
4 Or suppose that accidentally seeds or fruit of the atropine group of plants had been included in the vegetables or herbs ?
5 The aggrieved Main , in short , sought either an appointment as tidesman in a particular port , which would carry a regular salary , or failing that even a restoration to his former post of watchman , and naturally he attempted to secure his livelihood through his political friends , the Cunninghams .
6 What is most telling here , however , is the sense of history and lineage that both the Omar and Young Disciples albums exude .
7 Was it a household so permeated by dislike and distrust that only the bald fact of dependence constrained them to preserve an uneasy peace ?
8 The morning I woke up and realised that perhaps the reason I resented young Tulloch s much was because I too was an observer of human beings and that this most likely derived from an equal failure to establish satisfactory human relationships , was not a happy one .
9 In July 1986 the Amir dissolved the country 's legislature , the National Assembly , after it had repeatedly criticized the government , and announced that henceforth he would rule by decree .
10 To try and explain that verbally would be very very hard
11 Beatrice saw him reading Les Liaisons Dangéreuses and slated that too , claiming that it was a steamy romance seized upon by the mothers of France ‘ and said to have been largely responsible for the modern severity towards young daughters ’ .
12 Eisenson ( 1962 ) was one of the first to note such effects and reported that right lesioned patients used more descriptive terms and more qualifiers than left brain damaged patients .
13 The Committee drew attention to the fact that during the experiment fewer Members had been formally penalised for bad behaviour than in several recent sessions , and reported that neither the Speaker nor the Community had any evidence that rowdiness had significantly increased ; on the possible long-term effect , early evidence was ‘ mildly encouraging ’ .
14 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
15 If you 're really set on it , you can scan a printed document via your scanner and send that too , using the software as a traditional fax machine .
16 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
17 In particular we discuss two aspects of the interpretation of definite pronouns , which we call role mapping and name mapping , and suggest that either one of them may not occur in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
18 Of course , evacuation was only a part of the enormous social disruption brought about by the war ; but subsequent recollections by evacuees , such as those collected by B. S. Johnson , pay eloquent testimony to the lasting effects — both negative and positive — it had on those who endured it , and suggest that qualitatively it was an experience that stood apart from the wider social confusion of wartime .
19 And while British filmmakers began to believe in the ‘ decline of Hollywood ’ as their guarantee that the increased popularity of their pictures would be permanent , they were n't disposed to tap the Americans on the shoulder and suggest that perhaps they should start thinking about film schools , new talents programmes , script competitions or anything of that sort .
20 If the changes wrought by the Glorious Revolution in England seem , by contrast , much more limited , it would be wrong to react too far and suggest that very little of significance was achieved by the events of 1688 – 9 .
21 I was only going to agree with you actually , and I was just going to back-up what Michael said , and say that obviously we 've got people like Amnesty International , and I know it 's a very hard-working local branch , but obviously , the money it 's raised is going to benefit people overseas .
22 He prepared vaccines from these bacteria and found that frequently a marked improvement occurred in the health of the patient after treatment by injection of the appropriate killed vaccine .
23 Influenced by Cézanne , early Cubists such as Picasso and Braque recognised a continuity of space and found that initially this required a rejection of the continuity of line associated with Art Nouveau .
24 Gazzard et al. ( 1976 ) used a questionnaire to ask patients who had taken overdoses of paracetamol about their knowledge of the effects of this substance and found that only 11 per cent knew about the possibility of severe hepatic complications that can occur after an interval of several days .
25 For the first fifty seven of them to be set up , at a cost of half a million pounds , did a survey and found that only twelve of the fifty seven were financially viable and that did n't include the Trust .
26 He restated the government 's view that township violence stemmed from confrontations between ANC and Inkatha supporters and proposed that therefore he , Mandela and Inkatha leader Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi should meet urgently to consider establishing " an active full-time monitoring mechanism " on the efficacy of existing measures to combat violence " .
27 Declaring his identity , and announcing that here was the Regent of His Grace David , King of Scots , he demanded the presence of the Lord Dacre .
28 … children are used to feeling dissatisfied with their work , to expect chiding from the teacher and often mockery from their friends and to find that even when they 've tried their hardest , the results do n't reflect the amount of effort expended .
29 Linfield 's board , alarmed by the adverse publicity , released an unprecedented statement outlining their position and policy , and revealing that over 70 Catholics had played for the club in the past .
30 Senor Gomorro was fined 350 pounds and told that illegally importing an animal is a serious offence .
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