Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This rule may help to keep clear the distinction between those interventions which seek to challenge the structural conditions under which racist discourses are directly or indirectly reproduced , and those strategies which aim to interrupt their circulation in specific micro-contexts , and/or introduce alternative story lines .
2 He may well run a car repair business or sell cheap jewellery on the side , in which case his dealing will lack single-mindedness .
3 The end labelled probe was mixed with 20µg of protein extract which had been preincubated with 5µg poly ( d ( I-C ) ) and single stranded or doubled stranded competitor DNA .
4 Wearing out our good clothes or wasting hot water to wash them ! ’
5 Good grooming reaps instant benefits and , while you ca n't change your looks overnight or develop instant muscle , a sophisticated scent will speak millions for your confidence .
6 The current generation of older women were more likely to have contracted poliomyelitis , are more likely to have strokes or develop multiple sclerosis .
7 And , by reforming the health insurance market , my plan assures that Americans will have access to basic health insurance even if they change jobs or develop serious health problems .
8 At least 28 companies in the United Kingdom are developing or producing mains-signalling equipment .
9 Tasks of this kind may need extensive practice by children with defective vision , since using their vision for learning may present difficulties in terms of blurring and distortion or a reduced or interrupted visual field .
10 They are indeed considerable achievements , but what they show most clearly is how hard it will be to get the major Third World countries to agree on any protocol which could slow down or affect industrial growth .
11 First , it should mean — but it does not — that decisions which do not bear on or affect other Member States should remain with the nation state or below .
12 The teacher with less severely visually impaired pupils already in the class who faces the prospect of receiving pupils with more severe visual disabilities will want to consider practical and immediate strategies to mitigate problems of social acceptance and to reduce or eliminate cruel teasing or isolation of the pupils who have defective vision .
13 2 Find out the main factors on your surgical ward which help or hinder patient comfort .
14 Whenever you want to show a trend , analyse large amounts of data or highlight statistical information in a report , then graphs and charts are the ideal means of presentation .
15 Transferring to an alternative medium requires new data formats yet to be standardised and dependence on a new generation of hardware to read or download stored information .
16 With accruals accounting , of course , postponing or bringing forward cash payments or receipts has no effect .
17 Whether handing over stretches , or allowing light railway lines to be built alongside BR lines , it insists on running special training programmes for the LRT workers to ensure their security on the track .
18 Trailing wires can so easily be cut when trimming back hedges or mowing long grass .
19 Our concern in the present paper is with the conditions which license or favour plural reference when individuals are introduced in such ways .
20 The need to maintain or enhance public enjoyment of lochs , rivers and reservoirs .
21 These , respectively a need to hurt or to be hurt in order to obtain or enhance sexual satisfaction , are yet again aspects of normal sexuality within reasonable limits .
22 It depends on whether the duty solicitor scheme was set up to help the unrepresented defendant or to diversify criminal work .
23 Basal or resting metabolic rate ( BMR ) is the speed your body burns calories at rest — in other words carrying out the job of staying alive : blood circulation , cell growth , digestion , thinking and so on .
24 Dismissal can not usually be justified merely because the employee 's private life is scandalous or involves immoral conduct , and this has been reconfirmed by a recent Higher Labour Court decision ( LAG Hamm , 17 Sa 1326/89 ) .
25 An amount may only be transferred from the revaluation reserve : to the profit and loss account , if the amount was previously charged to that account or represents realised profit , or for the issue of bonus shares .
26 ‘ When you 're not spitting venom , or preaching amateur socialism , I 've even noticed you 're passably attractive , ’ he persisted teasingly .
27 It 's the Maastricht approach to holidays — you can opt out of all the bits you do n't like , such as having to tackle foreign languages or eat strange food .
28 A First Spiritualist does n't drink coffee , or eat white bread or cheese ( apart from Gorgonzola — the Good Cheese as it 's called ) , and faced by a frankfurter is liable to scoot off into a corner , whimpering .
29 ‘ although a corporation can not maintain an action for libel in respect of anything reflecting upon them personally , yet they can maintain an action for a libel reflecting on the management of their trade or business , and this without alleging or proving special damage .
30 By suggesting that the ‘ fun-loving ’ woman lodger shunned or avoided sexual intercourse with the landlord begins to suggest that the ‘ normal ’ occurrence is for women lodgers in such situations to allow sexual intercourse to take place .
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