Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , as one would expect , 28 offer professional services and/or provide support to their members in this regard ( 13 of those are in the field of law ) .
2 It is here that efforts have been made to open up resources to working-class communities and/or to provide access into educational institutions .
3 Even the freeholders in the fields — who were willing to have enclosure so that they could farm more efficiently or sell land for building — were helpless in the face of the burgesses who might have no land but who hoped to get a piece in time , or who already held these rights to graze their cattle and sheep .
4 He said he could ‘ club ’ a golfer , hacker or scratch player by the second shot into the 3rd hole .
5 Whatever the reason , gay men have never united to take action or develop work with young people which challenges heterosexism — or sexism for that matter .
6 They have created new capabilities for the production of widening ranges of goods and services without paying the cost penalties or producing variety in yesterday 's inflexible plants .
7 Unlike Tesco , he had not experienced a heavy-handed or demanding manner from any of them , and was convinced by the value of the work they had done , without expressing a preference for any particular one .
8 by mineralising the compound only as a cometabolite , which means that the microorganisms require some other organic compounds for growth or to induce formation of the enzymes required for degradation of the target compound ; or
9 Turntable is recessed into oven floor and it can be switched off when grilling or microwaving food in square or rectangular dishes .
10 Or change Complexion at Celinda 's Gown :
11 With six large journalists aboard , all well filled with beer and sandwiches , there was scarcely room for Dyson to turn the wheel or change gear without jamming his elbow into Ted Hurwitz 's stomach .
12 But what Miss Blagden had sought her out for was not only to ask after her welfare or bring news from Lucca but to offer her two lady-boarders for three months .
13 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
14 The ability to give or lend money to relatives obviously is related to one 's own economic resources in some way — although we are unlikely to find that people who have more straightforwardly give more .
15 The newly established conservative majority on the Supreme Court had undermined Roe in 1989 [ see p. 36809 ] , since when numerous pieces of legislation had been enacted in individual states to restrict or eliminate access to abortions .
16 Younger women , on reaching 30 , often find themselves in conflict over whether to marry , have children , or combine motherhood with a career .
17 This might be the Rural Dean , or Lay Chairman of Deanery Synod , or the Archdeacon .
18 ‘ This does not include sickness or holiday relief , additional staff at peak times , or allowing time for supervisors performing other duties . ’
19 He wondered whether Simon had found his knife or got hold of another one .
20 The report side-steps such questions as whether the council will have the resources to protect threatened sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) or to promote conservation in the countryside as a whole ( see p 7 ) .
21 Thanks go to Kay Baxter , Rosemary Frost , Marlene McGee , Lucy Jackson and Lynne Thomas , who designed , or produced material for , the stall .
22 The meeting recommends the Committee respecting the Lint Miller " to meet with the Lint Miller , and to show him such Evidence as they can recover respecting the weight of fflax in other Countrys — and Endevour to get him to agree to dress & deliver fflax for the same payment and by the same weight , and to report to the next meeting . "
23 The pies were produced within the public houses themselves by the manager 's wife or catering assistant on the basis of recipes prepared by this department .
24 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
25 And here we find that the term is widely rather than narrowly defined to include an offence which carries a sentence of three years or more on first conviction ; or involves the use of violence ; or results in substantial financial gain ; or involves conduct by a large number of people in pursuit of a common purpose .
26 processes underlying identity formation and social integration ; processes underlying the formation of self concepts and facilitating or inhibiting assimilation with social roles/relationships/sub cultures/groups ;
27 The primary purpose of these data is to record assessment decisions , to support decision-making by management , or to enable monitoring of quality to occur .
28 Some people may not want to send Christmas cards or eat meat at least once a week ( two of Townsend 's indicators of conventional British life ) : the implication is that Townsend grossly exaggerates the incidence of poverty because he ignores the fact that people may choose to do without such things .
29 One outcome of this is that those on low incomes either reduce the amount they eat , or eat food of lower nutritional value , which particularly affects growing children .
30 Thus , faced with words with a medial e sound like : head bed thread or led health except the pupil ought to be clear that because there is a spelling choice , he is encouraged to use the dictionary to check which is the correct form for this context .
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