Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 Feminist psychology also finds it difficult to deal with apparent irrationalities in women 's subjectivity except by pathologizing the women , or seeing them as social victims .
2 Why are they resisting those arguments , or seeing them as concessions that might be made during negotiations ?
3 She thinks it is simply awful that being successful and ( reading the ill-camouflaged sub-text ) gorgeous means that men wo n't chat her up , admire her breasts or perceive her as a sexual creature .
4 It is worth noting , as an aside , that though this may seem obvious , one has only to observe parents with children , or to catch oneself as a parent saying ‘ Do n't be so childish ! ’ to one 's three-year-old , to realize that the reminder remains necessary .
5 Sometimes a piece of fruit or a tub of yogurt is eaten at the end of lunch but more often she finishes with a biscuit or has nothing as dessert .
6 The seller then becomes a trustee for the buyer and must account to him for any dividends he receives and vote in accordance with his instructions ( or appoint him as his proxy ) .
7 Considering himself throughout a true Catholic , Henry had been reluctant to enter into close association with foreign Protestant states , and when political necessity had induced him to consider allying with the German Lutheran princes in the 1530s , he had adamantly refused to accept their confession of faith or to view them as co-religionists .
8 This operation may be put in two-address form by placing the editing pattern in the destination string ( where it will be overwritten ) , or inserting it as a string of " micro-operations " in the instruction stream .
9 Many organisations , as I 'm sure you are aware , buy computer or receive them as gifts , but they do n't make full use of them because of the lack of money for the necessary training and consultancy .
10 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
11 When you 've finished faffing around with the fonts , you can choose to either axe your disastrous experiment , or install it as a TrueType font itself .
12 It is negotiable , and if the drawer is of financial substance or if it is supported by some sort of security , cash may be raised by discounting it , selling it , or lodging it as collateral for a loan .
13 Either they dispute the sceptic 's right to assert the conclusion , or to assert it as a conclusion ; or they suggest directly that the conclusion can not be true , and that hence they are excused from considering any suggested reason for believing it .
14 In any event the presumption is rebuttable and will be fairly easily rebutted where a developer needs to retain ownership of the road in order to build it or to dedicate it as a public highway .
15 Such theories , he remarks , ‘ are not centrally concerned with literature ; indeed , they may marginalize or abandon it as a category ’ , and he instances their source in such fields as philosophy , psychology , sociology , anthropology , linguistics .
16 The usual ways of dealing with such individuals is to ignore them , or to ‘ diagnose ’ them psychoanalytically , or to use them as ‘ proof of the misogyny of the Church authorities .
17 Two women seemed anxious to provide Tate with an alibi , or to use him as an alibi for themselves .
18 Advance comprises five distinct components and a firm has the option either to mix and match certain elements or to use it as a complete package , thereby effectively outsourcing all of its software functions .
19 In the face of the fundamentalists ' electoral success , the FLN political bureau on June 17 issued a statement rejecting " all attempts to return Islam to the era of charlatanism and myths or to use it as an instrument of demagogy and political opportunism " .
20 the ruins of peoples which are still found here and there and which are no longer capable of a national existence , are absorbed by the larger nations and either become part of them or maintain themselves as ethnographic monuments without political significance .
21 For example : the traditional notation regarding ‘ on board ’ loading was replaced by a ‘ taking in charge ’ statement ; the traditional prohibition against transhipment was eliminated , because transhipment was of the essence in combined transport ; since the transport commonly originated and finished inland , the terms ‘ place of receipt ’ and ‘ place of delivery ’ were inserted in separate boxes , either replacing the traditional ‘ port of loading ’ and ‘ port of discharge ’ or joining them as additional specifications ; and since often times the name of the vessel was not known or could not be established with certainty at the time of issuance , the box for the vessel 's name was modified to refer to an ‘ intended vessel . ’
22 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
23 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
24 Occasionally when she was wearing this she had a trick of lifting it like wings , or ruffling it as if it was her real plumage , and she 'd declare : ‘ My dears , I am preparing for The Flight — into Egypt , to the islands , to the New World — who knows ! ’
25 Until a sane , liberal regime is restored within the party itself , it will not be fully re-equipped either to arrive at the right policy choices or to project itself as a responsive party to the electorate .
26 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
27 You can ask them either just as they are or use them as a basis for formulating questions that are particularly related to the job for which you are being interviewed .
28 Finding the optimum location is largely a matter of trial and error , but aim to place them where they can not be seen upside-down ( i.e. , with the top end facing a wall ) , or use them as wall-hangings .
29 Rob Grunsell encourages teachers to adapt his materials to their own needs or use them as a source of ideas for devising their own training .
30 But try to implicate me in any way — or use me as a trade-off- and it 'll be added to the police clear-up rate faster than the eye can follow .
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