Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Processing items as soon as possible after soiling and/or submitting them to preliminary treatment .
2 But it is illegal to import it , send it through the post or display it to the general public .
3 Those who simplify moral judgement to the application of standards would assume that he has either to impose his own code or to accommodate himself to the other .
4 For example , if one arm of a conglomerate offering financial advice to a client acquires , whether directly or indirectly , inside information from that client and , without that client 's express or implied consent , deals on it , or relays it to others who deal on it , the conglomerate is potentially liable for an action brought by the client for breach of confidence .
5 The hallway and various passages off it were full of visitors helping pyjama-ed relatives in and out of chairs , plumping cushions for them or fetching magazines from a well-stocked rack , or encouraging them to that last little drop of cocoa from what seemed to be a standard issue purple mug .
6 Chetnik paid the rates not appreciating that by virtue of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act rates were not payable on any unoccupied hereditament for any period during which the owner was prohibited by law from occupying the hereditament or allowing it to be occupied .
7 Champion of the underdog and believer in the nobility of the common man , he lost no opportunity to teach his daughter the importance of never giving in or allowing herself to be beaten by lack of courage .
8 The putting of the city to the ban , or devoting it to the Lord , as the RSV puts it , is part of Joshua 's final orders to the people on the seventh day , and receives no mention in God 's initial instructions to him .
9 A cross spirituality will ensure that you and I are never tempted to follow fashions and fads in church life which , attractive though they may seem , ignore the cross or push it to one side .
10 ‘ The aim is to encourage public awareness about the value of the buildings around them and to get owners who no longer want the properties , to sell or lease them to new people . ’
11 I 'm afraid I have had little time to entertain you or introduce you to Hochhauser .
12 Story-telling is considered a part of a woman 's magical repertoire — a device she can use to affect the listener , melting his heart , distracting him or binding him to her as the occasion demands .
13 Many may have discovered that the trouble-free lifestyle they had planned has turned out to be a good bit less well-regulated and tidy than they had expected or intended it to be .
14 He seemed more likely to blow a kiss than to throw a punch ; to be at a dinner-table than to be down in the dives ; to be rubbing shoulders than to be shoving or sticking it to the comfortable ( I almost said to the bourgeoisie . )
15 Ivory tower allergists discount reactions to food unless an IgE mechanism has been proved , but denying them or attributing them to hypochondriasis is a sign not of scientific superiority but of a head in the sand mentality .
16 Another one of his tricks was to lurk behind the counter at the Turk 's Head so customers would think there was no one there , and then , when they were thinking of leaving or helping themselves to the jam doughnuts , he 'd leap on to a wooden box to bring his large dome head just above the level of the counter and say , ‘ Can I help you ? ’ in a very loud voice .
17 Control the interview or lose it to the candidate ?
18 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
19 Balcha now had no alternative but to surrender to Ras Tafari who , with characteristic magnanimity , spared his life ; as to whether he ordered Balcha to enter a monastery or banished him to his estates in the Gurage country , accounts differ .
20 The purchaser of a completed development , for example a factory , who intends to use the development for his or her own trade purposes or lease it to a person using it for trade purposes may be able to claim capital allowances .
21 These arise from a household 's obligation to devote many unpaid hours of work to caring for its dependent members , and from the fact that some households have only one fit person of working age who has to choose between doing this , or going out to earn a living , or driving themselves to exhaustion trying to do both .
22 But there is always room for more and the Managing Director of the Resource Centre , Sr Anna Doherty would like to hear from any individuals , groups , clubs or organisations interested in organising an event or contributing anything to the general fun of the weekend .
23 We are prepared to clobber the ganger working on the Keighley and Worth Valley railway or his notional supervisor , or send him to prison .
24 I 'll ground him , or send him to his room .
25 Please pass on your ideas — whether they 're articles , photographs , or cartoons — to your local correspondent or send them to me directly at Key Street , and do not hesitate to telephone on with any suggestions you may have .
26 If you are thinking of moving and would welcome a free market valuation , or if you would like to know more about this offer , simply complete the attached voucher and take it into your local Birmingham Midshires Property Services branch , or send it to us , FREEPOST , ( no stamp required ) .
27 If you would like more information about how CREDO Mid-Pay can release you from payroll drudgery , simply fill in the attached coupon and take or send it to your local Midland branch manager .
28 He never took Kate home or mentioned her to his mother .
29 NEVER write on the will itself , or attach anything to it ( even with a paper clip ) as this could affect its validity in the future .
30 Unfortunately , success is associated only with jumping hurdles , like tests and examinations , and not also with seeing a generality , or capturing it in words and symbols , or explaining it to someone else .
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