Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Forgive 'N Forget started at 7–2 , with Combs Ditch 9–2 , Run And Skip 15–2 and Wayward lad 8–1 .
2 The SGSA defines such contracts as those " under which one person transfers or agrees to transfer to another person the property in goods " except in pursuance of a contract of sale , a hire purchase contract , and " a contract under which property in goods is transferred in exchange for trading stamps on their redemption " ( see s 1 ) .
3 Under s1(1) of SGSA 1982 it would seem that an exchange contract comes within its purview since it generally applies to contracts where " one person transfers or agrees to transfer to another the property in goods " .
4 Thus the old tradition of pilgrimage , peregrinatio , spawned or became united to the new kind of military adventure we call the crusade ; and the resources of the roads and waterways of Europe and the Near East were strained to the uttermost to meet the insatiable demands of these adventurous travellers .
5 No description of the ammonoids is complete without mentioning the heteromorphs These are forms which abandoned the usual plane spiral mode of coiling , and instead became partially or even completely uncoiled , or became twisted in some other fashion .
6 So , being unused , they progressively deteriorated and caved in and the entrances filled in or became overgrown with vegetation .
7 Either he could wait until the pod splashed down at which point it would start to sink , and if the water was deep enough and he had difficulty in escaping from the safety envelope , or became entangled with the chute , he might drown before he was able to struggle to the surface — or else he could blow the hatch prior to landing , risking being either injured or knocked unconscious during an unprotected impact .
8 Few ever recovered their status in society , he said , or got rid of the bad habits they contracted while there .
9 They plunged into lakes , crashed into busses , flipped over like turtles or got jammed between lampposts .
10 It 's high time you either changed your own personal world of beliefs and ethics or got to work on reforming your community or neighbourhood .
11 Paige was glad of her strong boots , but she would gladly have thrown her bag away , for it either kept falling off or got caught on stray branches .
12 Mona was quiet , hardworking and extremely stubborn , anxious to be agreeable ; but once she took up a position — or got caught in one — she was obstinately immovable and this had often brought her into conflict with Moran .
13 It 's a pretty bizarre film , but it 's not dark or mean spirited in its intentions .
14 We will introduce rebates for small businesses to protect those who are setting up in business or struggling to stay in business .
15 The reforming governor 's efforts to place the hated exile system ‘ on a more orderly and business-like foundation ’ foundered on the twin reefs of under provision of infrastructural resources , and the over-supply of vastly more compulsory settlers and convict labourers than the restructured system was designed or intended to cope with .
16 Women who preferred who preferred traditional methods of sanitary protection either had to stand in long queues in order to buy just one or two towels you could n't even buy a packet , you could just buy one or two or make do with other methods .
17 Ethics have been downgraded or diluted or made to fit into narrow understandings .
18 The threshold time is therefore automatically raised or lowered to compensate for the reader being swept too slowly or too quickly .
19 Although the system works brilliantly in most women , it can easily be disrupted — by stress or crash dieting for instance .
20 I mean what , what psychological characteristics would make one person more groupie than another or more needing or wanting or enjoying belonging to a group than another ?
21 We asked our principal carers to talk about how they felt as a result of looking after ( or helping to look after ) the dementia sufferer .
22 Their accuracy still depends upon the correctness of our assumptions about causal order and the operation of other variables ; if we had either specified the causal order incorrectly , or failed to control for other important variables , the coefficients would be meaningless .
23 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
24 Cells came together ( or failed to separate after cell division ) to form many-celled bodies .
25 Enemas or douches done by yourself and not done before or after vaginal or anal intercourse .
26 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
27 Dancers on stage must establish their relationship to each other and to those who enter and also the particular way they are to set the action or dance going by initiating the phrasing , style and expressiveness of the choreographic design to be unfolded .
28 The democratic aspiration in its classical form is doomed — an outcome which is viewed with either glee or regret according to the political orientation of the theorists concerned .
29 Which feelings do you habitually suppress , or deny having at all ?
30 A solicitor will generally be free to decide for himself whether or not to accept instructions from a client , though he must always bear in mind the statutory obligation not to discriminate against potential clients on the grounds of race , colour , sex etc ( see Chapter 3 ) and he must refuse to act or to continue to act in any of the following circumstances : ( 1 ) where his client seeks to insist on the solicitor conducting his case in a way which would involve some breach of law or professional regulation ; ( 2 ) where the client 's affairs are outside his professional competence ; ( 3 ) if he suspects that the instructions purporting to come from his client do not in fact represent the client 's wishes ; ( 4 ) where the solicitor is unable to obtain confirmation from the client of instructions received from a third person ; ( 5 ) where there is or is likely to be some conflict of interest involving the solicitor himself , his client , other clients ( present , past or prospective ) , or the firm ; ( 6 ) where the solicitor may be a material and not merely formal witness in any proceedings ; ( 7 ) where another solicitor has already received instructions which have not been formally withdrawn .
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