Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , as one would expect , 28 offer professional services and/or provide support to their members in this regard ( 13 of those are in the field of law ) .
2 If £1 billion of Treasury bills are sold to the discount houses , the discount houses will borrow money at call from the banks , or sell bills to the banks , to pay for these Treasury bills .
3 The ability to give or lend money to relatives obviously is related to one 's own economic resources in some way — although we are unlikely to find that people who have more straightforwardly give more .
4 The newly established conservative majority on the Supreme Court had undermined Roe in 1989 [ see p. 36809 ] , since when numerous pieces of legislation had been enacted in individual states to restrict or eliminate access to abortions .
5 Let the bizarre and miraculous elements which the New Testament documents narrate about his activity be relegated to those far-off apostolic days : it would be very embarrassing and doctrinally untidy if the Holy Spirit were to speak to men today , or to enable miracles to be performed and men to speak in tongues not their own .
6 ( 2 ) For the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) above the requisite intent is an intent to cause a modification of the contents of any computer and by so doing — ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ; ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ; or ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program or the reliability of any such data .
7 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
8 You could also add things like a new porch or garage , improved security measures , or make improvements to interior decor .
9 ‘ Curse this arm , ’ he said , ‘ I ca n't hold you properly or make love to you .
10 It shall further be unlawful for any man to stare at or make googoo eyes at , or in any other manner look at or make remarks to or concerning , or cough or whistle at , or do any other act to attract the attention of any woman upon or travelling along any of the sidewalks , streets , Public ways of the city of Abilene with an intent or in a manner calculated to annoy such women .
11 I do n't how many of you have seen or heard reference to the recent Which report about estates and managing that .
12 For example , some people define ‘ language ’ in such a way that only a system of intentional communication between conspecifics could count as language , and some regard abstract features such as syntactic structure or individuating reference to past events as necessary to ‘ language ’ .
13 When any dominant group asserts its power by imposing its culture on others , or diverts wealth to its chosen art forms , then the cultural expression of other groups in the arts will be suppressed .
14 The Director may withdraw or restrict access to the facilities in response to an offence or a suspected offence against these rules or to protect the services .
15 IBM Corp has agreed to pay the US government $14.8m to settle that potential False Claims Act civil suit after IBM admitted to providing reconditioned or remanufactured computer equipment to the US government between 1980 and 1990 , contrary to contract provisions — under the contract , IBM was required to notify the government prior to delivery of anything other than new equipment , and the investigation revealed that IBM delivered approximately 15,000 reconditioned or remanufactured machines to the government ; IBM voluntarily owned up that it might not have fulfilled its obligations under the contract after conducting an internal audit .
16 In keeping with its stance on regional neutrality the government has undertaken no studies of the regional impact of the Tunnel outside the South East despite the fears of more remote regions that their businesses will move to locations nearer the Tunnel or lose trade to southern and French competitors .
17 She told him what to wear and eat , when to sleep or make love to her .
18 ‘ Not to hold or make love to or talk to , but just to be there with their lovely hair and breasts , with their peaceful flesh . ’
19 According to their analysis of American industrial confrontations from the 1870s to the 1960s , violence has been most severe on those occasions when employers have tried to ‘ break ’ existing unions , or deny recognition to newly forming ones .
20 The NHS could purchase services from the private sector in order to clear waiting lists for particular ailments or to obtain access to specialised equipment possibly not available in NHS hospitals .
21 There was controversy in the second-century churches whether a Christian could be a magistrate or bear public authority , activities which might require apparently compromising with idolatry or condemning criminals to execution .
22 We comment on , or suggest refinements to , the procedures , policies and regulations ( the structure ) .
23 The stone walling blocks , available in a variety of sizes , or build steps to the exact dimensions from concrete , for which you will have to set up formwork .
24 Significantly , the package features a novel ‘ tutorial ’ : when it is completed , the user should have computerised the financial side of the business , and hopefully , learned to deal with all ‘ financial ’ events that happen in business from opening balances , through stopped or bounced cheques to journals .
25 It is not unknown for senior partners or founding partners to be given an extended period but , whilst opinions may legitimately differ on this , in principle a common retirement age might seem to be less contentious and the lower the age the better .
26 Patients aged 18 or over are deemed legally responsible for their own actions , and it is often with great reluctance that they will agree to see a doctor and possibly begin treatment or undergo admission to hospital .
27 Expert or knowledge based systems can help guide and advise the individual by rapidly evaluating past cases of failure and alternative courses of action or provide solutions to previously intractable problems .
28 Without this we can not engage in any worthwhile legal work or provide access to items .
29 In writing this book we have assumed that the reader either owns or has access to copies of both Warhammer and Warhammer Battle Magic .
30 She hopes to visit rallies , training days , meetings and so on in all parts of the country to make personal contact with members and teachers , to transmit their opinions and suggestions to the relevant Committees , to instigate or give support to all promotional efforts , and to draw all Medau enthusiasts closer together .
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