Example sentences of "[coord] [indef pn] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There ai n't no shops or nothing round here .
2 It was really frustrating when Kylie was over here and she used to ring me and say she 'd seen Prince the night before , or Madonna or someone else really great .
3 There had in fact been nearly sixty witnesses , all giving varying times of sightings of Drew or somebody very much like him .
4 Nevertheless , a higher dose or one not sufficiently matched to the individual will still tend to overstimulate and may then cause what are usually called side-effects .
5 It is difficult to think of a more unsatisfactory outcome or one further away from what the parties to the 1930 agreement can ever have contemplated .
6 There are many alternative types of holiday on offer and even within the package sector the provision of a financial bond by firms and other guarantees give particular holiday-makers a relatively firm assurance that they will get the holiday they want or one very nearly like it .
7 ‘ Is there by any chance a pond or something around here ? ’
8 I felt like Don QuiGrungio or something up there with the horse and everything was great .
9 And you do have a T H E R E or something up there .
10 I think that 's like saying ‘ every woman in the nineteen nineties went round dressed in Chanel and Yves St Laurent , or something equally as wild as that .
11 You going out there , you stop all your Income Support and it co turns out to be a bloody week or something well alright you turn round and get back on Income Support but it 's not simple is it ?
12 But yet again instinct , or something even more mysterious , has sent up ( or down ) that warning pulse which jerks me back into wary consciousness .
13 Or something even more lethal .
14 Well , he 's at some de there 's some firms do or something on apparently
15 I could see a barge or something out there in the middle of the Thames but I 've never been much good with boats .
16 It may be just a gentle daily stroll or cycle ride or something much more strenuous .
17 They 're in a hall playing badminton or something so too far away and a lot of shouting and laughing all at once .
18 He was talking in his sleep , or something very near it .
19 By making an elliptical hole very long and narrow we get a crack , or something very like it .
20 Team teaching , or something very like it , is an important element in the continuing professional development of the teacher .
21 Nevertheless , equation ( 3.29 ) ( or something very like it ) has formed the basis of a large number of tests of rational expectations in the foreign exchange market .
22 Babies probably start by seeing everyone as an aspect of their mother and call them ‘ Mama ’ or something very like it .
23 This principle , or something very much like it , is the basic principle on which science is founded , if the naive inductivist position is accepted .
24 The F-Plan recipes , meal suggestions and charts on the following pages give you plenty of scope both for doing your own thing and eating your own thing , whether it is something as simple as beans on toast or a sandwich , or something considerably more adventurous .
25 The public should no more offer a subsidy of this kind using public money without checking if the recipient actually requires it or anybody else besides , means testing is nothing new , there are plenty of other benefits that are already means tested right across the board .
26 It could also have mentioned another aspect of Labour 's election advertising which , though more implicit than subliminal , was not at all lost on lesbians and gay men — or anybody not actively engaged in Happy Heterosexuality .
27 I feel as if I just want to leave this place — and never see it — or anyone here ever again . ’
28 ‘ or on a road ’ covers potential danger or actual danger to pedestrians or anyone not actually in or on the offending motor vehicle .
29 IT was hardly a surprise to the City or anyone else yesterday that Weir Group produced another set of excellent results , with the promise of more to come this year .
30 Okay so a quarter of an hour and we 'll take some feedback I think the er last one is perhaps So if anybody 's got or anything else perhaps
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