Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Who comes or goes in these rooms is my business , not yours ! ’
2 Other motivations may pull out of line this relationship between assuming and asking ; but at its purest , faith is strong or weak , advances or retreats in direct proportion to what it assumes .
3 The country was divided into shires , themselves composed of units known as hundreds ( or wapentakes in some areas ) .
4 The clay mineral assemblage predominantly constitute illite and chlorite ; smectite is absent or occurs in minor quantities as interlayers .
5 Such awareness does not govern everything a Home Secretary does or says in public , but it will never be far from his thoughts .
6 Supervision is by a social worker , who can make certain requirements such as that the supervised person resides in a specified place or participates in specified activities .
7 Anyone who organizes or participates in these festivals is a traitor to Islam and the Iranian nation , " he declared .
8 ‘ A high exchange rate and the monetary policy which underpins it is just as tough an instrument as domestic credit controls , tax increases or cuts in public expenditure . ’
9 ‘ A high exchange rate and the monetary policy which underpins it is just as tough an instrument as domestic credit controls , tax increases or cuts in public expenditure . ’
10 They were rather like the red-bands or trusties in British prisons .
11 We need not worry about families or superfamilies in this book , but classes often correspond to everyday groups of animals .
12 Why increases in dietary fibre or decreases in refined carbohydrate intake should reduce cholesterol supersaturation of bile in control subjects , but should fail to prevent recurrence in our gall stone patients , is unknown .
13 Samples taken from the edges of ulcer craters in 15 of these patients or scars in six patients contained more extensive gastric metaplasia ( mean extent 19% ) in comparison with specimens from the opposite , macroscopically normal looking wall ( mean extent 10% ) .
14 Will the exhibition include your prints , objects and multiples , or works in other media ?
15 There appears , moreover , to be nothing to support Husameddin 's account of the circumstances of the death of " Mehmed Sah " , together with Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa , in 832 beyond the purported letter from Molla Fenari to Murad II which Husameddin mentions but neither quotes nor identifies in such a manner as to make it accessible .
16 A casualty officer there reported seeing ‘ quite a few ’ patients suffering from bites and stings in recent days .
17 This contribution reached a peak of around two-thirds of the combined income from rates and grants in 1976 .
18 Not only is it the largest in the world in volume ( $11 billion in loans and grants in 1991 ) , but its untied ratio ( 79.7% in 1991 ) is the highest in the world .
19 It is also true that British companies got more than 76% of the contracts stemming from official British loans and grants in 1989 .
20 As with teaching and journalism , so with literature : he developed his small talent to the full , writing short stories , poems , and plays in Irish and English , which ranged from the mawkish to the genuinely moving .
21 Despite Edward 's concern to obtain a wide measure of support for the war and consent for the financial exactions it necessitated , the measures the government took to raise money and supplies in 1338 and 1339 gave rise to grievances which resemble those which underlay the conflicts of Edward I 's last years .
22 In early September 1990 the government allowed United States troops and supplies in unarmed planes to overfly Austrian territory en route for the Gulf .
23 The EIB provides loans and guarantees in most economic sectors to promote the development of poorer regions , to restructure industry and assist member states in common projects , usually in the infrastructure field .
24 Each female lives for about ten years and produces in all about a million eggs .
25 Climb onto a platform and your weight sets the contraption in motion the deck rides up and down simulating ocean swells , the soundtrack plays the moans of whale songs , and a film projection shows an opening and closing hand that approaches and recedes in wavelike sequence on the now-rotating screens .
26 Only in corners where fast ice fails to break out each summer , or where pack accumulates and circulates in local gyres , do the floes last several years , and thicken both by pressure-rafting and by accretion .
27 The successful programme of asset sales and swaps in 1992 and 1993 has further focused our business , and we will continue our efforts to add value from the considerable investments made in the North Sea .
28 The third method , grafting , is similar to budding and differs in that a short section of wood with more than one eye is enjoined instead of a single bud .
29 The extent to which true devolution of powers to Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland is necessary or desirable is controversial and differs in each case .
30 Everybody finds a partner and sits in two rows opposite their partner .
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