Example sentences of "[coord] [not/n't] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases , as where the persons entitled are not of age , or not yet in existence , or not to be found , an executor or administrator will have to retain the property in his hands for a considerable time , though he may sometimes relieve himself by a payment or transfer into court , and in any case he can obtain the direction of the courts when doubts arise as to the proper course which he should take .
2 All the sites are above the deep wells used for drinking water and are in areas either paved over or not open to public use .
3 Or not necessarily in that order .
4 Many prove to be misfits , too honest for their job , or not enough on the ball to cope with its demands .
5 The most popular leaders ( Boris Yeltsin , Anatoly Sobchak , Gavriil Popov ) had ostentatiously left the party in 1990 or not long before the 1991 August coup ( as Eduard Shevardnadze , Alexander Yakovlev and Alexander Rutskoi had done ) .
6 In one hand he held a sack , in the other what might have been metal traps , or not that at all but some kind of implement .
7 Fisher and his colleagues showed that Darwinian selection made sense , and Jenkin 's problem was elegantly solved , if what changed in evolution was the relative frequency of discrete hereditary particles , or genes , each of which was either there or not there in any particular individual body .
8 The owner must believe the information to be secret and not already in the public domain .
9 Last year 's new offerings included version 4.0 of the group 's Fist dealing room system , which runs on Digital Equipment Corp 's VAX machines , VMS , and the ‘ Unix variants ’ of Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc , IBM Corp , and NeXT Inc ; Grace , a graphical application environment for Fist , which is now X Window-compliant ; Equinox , a personal computer-based banking package , for 80386 and 80486-based machines , and was launched in the US at the end of October 1992 ; Archive II , a optical disk storage device , also released at the end of last year ; personal computer-based Freeform GRS for regulatory reporting ; Co-Sign , a signature verification package ; and Retail Advantage , a cashier package of banks , for the AS/400 and not yet on general release .
10 Jacob reveals by his first words to Esau that he belongs still to the world of their stiff courtesy , and not yet to that of his brother 's gay abandon .
11 Collectively , the population of Britain perform millions of acts every day during their waking hours , yet the net result of all this is not chaos and confusion , but a reasonable approximation of order : motorists drive on the left-hand side of the road , not on the right ; shoppers offer coins and banknotes , cheques and cheque cards in exchange for goods and services , not goats and chickens or nothing at all ; love-making takes place indoors in bedrooms , and not outside on the pavement .
12 Of course , I 'd heard of AIDS and the destruction of that immunity , but somehow that was happening to homosexuals in LA or Brighton and not here with me , deep in the pastoral Hampshire countryside .
13 It is almost impossible to recreate a wedding bouquet completely accurately , as the original bouquet is three-dimensional and not flat like the picture .
14 Instead I consoled myself that Ellen would be pleased , and a pleased Ellen might become my shipmate all the way around the world , so really , I told myself , I was not doing this for the senator 's happiness , and not even for the twins , but for my own , and so I shook the senator 's hand .
15 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
16 It is not unique to the industrial sector and not even to engineering ; it occurs in such widely differing activities as the construction of a longhut in a jungle clearing and the knitting of a pullover .
17 But the shock is nothing to their profound distaste at the circular photocopy letter telling me it was NO — not even signed and not even on a sheet of proper printed letterhead — for a job marketing one of the oldest and most prestigious and national professional bodies !
18 And not even in the land of the troubadours were husbands more tolerant .
19 It concerns relations between people , and not just between the direct land users and the environment .
20 They 're still completely wild , but then they also want to be remembered as a damned good band and not just as part of a mad drugs scene . ’
21 This applies to every type of aircraft and not just to gliders .
22 Twenty companies moved this year , 49 are set to go by 1993 and another 23 are considering moving — and not just to the suburbs .
23 However , we will find it of much more use in the context here to conceive of a knowledge worker as someone who actually adds value to the message itself , and not just to the message 's package , by processes of analysis , judgement , and higher-level decision making .
24 General symptoms are symptoms that relate to the whole person in general and not just to the particular site of the problem .
25 In carrying out these functions , the supervising officer has a duty to both parties and not just to his client to deal with these matters strictly in accordance with the contract conditions and with good professional practice .
26 On the other hand , if this distinction is wrong , if faith depends on knowledge and knowledge depends on faith , then doubt would be a challenge to both knowledge and faith and not just to faith .
27 Private golf clubs have it within their power to ease the problem of the ‘ homeless ’ golfer , and should realise that they have a responsibility to the game of golf and not just to their members .
28 The interesting thing is that while the hard core fan is obviously going to buy a strip , we are selling more and more of them as fashion and leisure garments , and not just to kids . ’
29 In fact , and not just to all appearance , the Politburo was embarrassed by the KAL affair .
30 This is a much more difficult question to answer , because it involves applying the quantum principle to the structure of time and space themselves and not just to particle paths in a given space-time background .
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