Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [been] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secretary Anne Branch , of College View , Monkwray , who has been with the Company since 1948 and has been secretary to various Managing Directors including the present incumbent Keith Jackson .
2 In 1984 Young married Lilian Lawson , another prelingually deaf person of Scottish birth , who has held administrative posts since 1981 and has been Head of Administration since 1988 .
3 This piece of ‘ The Storm ’ timber was felled in Hull and has been air drying ever since , I hope I have done it justice .
4 It is organised in year groups and faculties and has been part of the Cheshire ‘ Cost Centre ’ scheme since 1976 .
5 He is very knowledgeable about Cayman history and has been metal detecting all over the Cayman Island .
6 His entry in Who 's Who shows that he has won The Palladium ( sic ) Medal of The Electrochemical Society and has been professor and head of the chemistry department at Southampton University since 1983 .
7 Outside council business Mr is a representative of the Langstone Harbour Board activities the Lord Chancellor 's advisory committee and has been governor of five local schools .
8 This is an extension of the principle discussed above , but has been subject of comment ; see P. W. Ferguson , " Nemo Iudex in Sua Causa ? " 1987 S.L.T. ( News ) 149 .
9 The broadening of aims and objectives has not been a sudden panic measure to the market forces of the 1990s but has been part of a professional and careful reassessment which has been in progress since at least the late 1960s .
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