Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who boards a certain ferry or walks down a certain street or enters a certain building or goes through a certain door disappears for ever into that other city . ’
2 What " the " does is to tell the reader that what the noun phrase names is something ( or belongs to a group of things ) which is already familiar to the reader .
3 The closure of the Talbot works in Linwood in Scotland , announced in February 1981 , with its resulting localised mass unemployment , is a pointed reminded of the limitations of cheap loans or grants as a means of maintaining the allegiance of capitalist enterprises to given investment projects .
4 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
5 It is not unlikely either that the formation of the desire will be closely linked with current experiences and will therefore probably be fulfilled by providing more of whatever is salient in the context — porridge , or rides in a plastic tub , etc .
6 The operator syllable implies ( or specifies in a subfield ) how many syllables are required for the instruction .
7 Despite the fact that trespass is actionable per se , there is some authority to the effect that trespass to goods requires proof of some damage or asportation but the general view of textbook writers is to the contrary and there must be many instances where , if mere touching of objects like waxworks or exhibits in a gallery or museum be not trespass , their possessor would be without remedy .
8 This limits , or complicates to a high degree , the explanatory force of a psychoanalytic discourse whose terms are founded on an Oedipal moment of lack , castration and desire .
9 They could involve matching a variety of situations or uses to a list of products or a list of items using those products ; they could involve putting the benefits of the product in order of merit or they could take the form of a question and answer quiz with specified answers from which to choose .
10 If a translation is directly imposed on the model , or occurs as a result of the rotation not taking place about the attachment point , the program completes the rotation and then re-positions the model back on to the point of association .
11 This figure shows the drivechart for the program JANEPLUS , which aims to introduce pupils to the idea of mathematical functions by displaying named figures , each of which either adds or multiplies by a particular small whole number which number the pupils must discover by trial , hypothesis and check .
12 The task is either hopeless or depends on a very bold speculation about brain differences , if one focuses only on the wink itself .
13 The basic questions posed are : First , can children attach themselves to psychological parents whilst they also maintain contact or links with a non-custodial birth parent or other relative ? and second , would the maintenance of such links confuse the child and impair his developing personal and social identity ?
14 However , if the broker fills an order left with him by his client or deals on a discretionary basis , he is as a matter of law dealing on both sides of the " client " contract ; he is agent for the client , in that he binds the client to the contract , and at the same time he is technically the client 's counterparty .
15 Their river habitat east of Quebec city has become a chemical soup of pollutants which probably causes a failure of their immune system or leads to a variety of other diseases such as bladder and other cancers , hepatitis , and perforated ulcers .
16 As Lindblom has pointed out , however , it is by no means wholly destroyed , since ‘ [ m ] onopoly weakens responses to popular control , but it neither eliminates a response or leads to a perverse one …
17 The consequences for some nations or subgroups in a population of being without access to environmental data or the tools for analysing them while others have such access are potentially profound — as the European Commission has recognized in issuing a directive on public access to environmental data ( CEC 1990d ) — yet space limitations have also precluded their discussion .
18 If you get only a mild reaction to a particular food , watch it carefully until it either disappears or increases into a full-blown reaction .
19 When a Vet first takes up running — or resumes after a long lay-off — he or she can count on one thing : several years of improvement .
20 On receipt of the Change Request Form the Development Manager reviews the Change Request or arranges for a member of the Development Team to review the Change Request .
21 When back pain and arthritis are the problems it can help to take short rests or breaks from a long stint in one position — say sitting at a desk or standing at an ironing-table .
22 Use cheques or postal orders , and keep stubs or counterfoils as a record of payment
23 Runners-up were the Community Network — a telephone conferencing facility for various charities and social groups — and The Rainbow Centre — a small , national charity working with families where a child has either died or suffers from a life-threatening illness .
24 SELECT and PROJECT statements are important because many queries will require information from only some of the tuples or attributes in a relation .
25 The spiritual area is concerned with everything in human knowledge or experience that is connected with or derives from a sense of God or of gods .
26 Erm looking now at page three hundred and fifty seven er paragraph seven three two oh seven three one and seven three two , page three hundred and fifty seven where the report makes the point that er when legal proceedings are entered into they tend to create further barriers and make it m less and less likely that th there can be conciliation between estranged partners erm and paragraph seven three two points out a growing need fo or speaks of a growing need for conciliation .
27 Note that this chart is slightly different from that used for chariots because it is much harder to hit the crew or warhorses on a War Wagon because of the size of the tower .
28 ‘ Foundationalism ’ means that an external set of phenomena imposes an order on , or serves as a ‘ foundation , for , a given cultural practice .
29 In the new year it shrinks ( wanes ) to last quarter on 6 January or disappears as a ‘ new ’ Moon a week later .
30 A contemporary dishonest bill ordinarily involves not an exorbitant disclaimer ( although there are plenty of these disclaimers still in use ) , but a shipment that does not take place , or a vessel that does not exist or disappears without a trace after loading .
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