Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not an abuse to process to assert private law rights by a private action even if the action raises or turns on public law issues .
2 These were highly prized and burnt only by the priests or priestesses during magical rites , worship of the gods or for healing purposes .
3 Other motivations may pull out of line this relationship between assuming and asking ; but at its purest , faith is strong or weak , advances or retreats in direct proportion to what it assumes .
4 Rain in August tends to be soaked up by dehydrated plants and trees or sits on dry , baking former water courses waiting to evaporate .
5 Poverty huddles in corners or squats by pitiful displays of chocolates long past their sellby date .
6 On top of some were displayed heavy glass bottles of fizzy pop , or coloured postcards , or jig-saws or ragdolls with floppy arms .
7 The clay mineral assemblage predominantly constitute illite and chlorite ; smectite is absent or occurs in minor quantities as interlayers .
8 They huddle sensibly together in heaps of dirty wool while the pitiless wind shifts and howls between the shivering trees or flaps with daemonic aggression at the corrugated sheets of the sheds , outhouses and garages along the village road .
9 Such awareness does not govern everything a Home Secretary does or says in public , but it will never be far from his thoughts .
10 Supervision is by a social worker , who can make certain requirements such as that the supervised person resides in a specified place or participates in specified activities .
11 The need to emphasise here the " pluralistic " sense of " relational " arises because not everything that is usually classified under the heading of " relations " involves a pluralist commitment , or allows of pluralist inferences .
12 The Oxford Dictionary says that the ‘ manager regulates or is in charge ; or succeeds with limited resources or means ’ .
13 The structure of the index items was described in terms of the type of search facility required to support the work of branch and other clerks , for example , on the basis of title , keywords , or links to geographic map references .
14 Of the other dimensions , purity , in Bentham 's special sense , means the chance of a pleasure not leading to pains , or a pain not leading to pleasures , while the fecundity is the extent to which a pleasure breeds or leads to other pleasures or a pain to other pains .
15 More often diagnosis reveals untreatable disease or leads to misplaced attempts at therapy .
16 He was already a canon of Notre-Dame-de-Paris , and was to be given the first vacant prebend at Bordeaux or Bourges by papal provision .
17 The USA would vote against any proposed aid or credits from international institutions to which it was a contributor to the states on the list ( Cuba , Iran , Iraq , North Korea , Libya and Syria ) .
18 ‘ A high exchange rate and the monetary policy which underpins it is just as tough an instrument as domestic credit controls , tax increases or cuts in public expenditure . ’
19 ‘ A high exchange rate and the monetary policy which underpins it is just as tough an instrument as domestic credit controls , tax increases or cuts in public expenditure . ’
20 The first describes the forms of English , spoken and written , at various levels from individual letters or sounds to connected discourse .
21 A child is disabled if he is blind , deaf or dumb or suffers from mental disorder of any kind or is substantially and permanently handicapped by illness , injury or congenital deformity ( s17(11) ) .
22 This means that the ‘ fact ’ that an individual has become an ‘ old person ’ , or suffers from regular illness or pain , or has become dependent upon others , whilst an important part of our understanding , is less important than how these facts make the individual feel .
23 Members of some families harbour strains of H pylori with the same DNA fingerprint ( family K , three isolates ; family M , two isolates ) ; some harbour subtypes or strains with similar DNA fingerpritns ( family H , two isolates ) ; and some harbour different strains ( family B , three isolates ; family M , one isolate ) .
24 Remove any spots or splashes with special clean-up fluid .
25 They were rather like the red-bands or trusties in British prisons .
26 Emergency admissions as a result of road traffic accidents or falls on icy pavements can not be arranged .
27 In contrast with [ 27 ] , a hearer who is presented with the repetition in [ 25 ] is encouraged to dwell on what he or she knows or imagines about long walks — the physical discomfort perhaps , or , alternatively , the exhilaration derived from the freedom .
28 Many had to borrow money , a need that had grown since last year 's replacement of social security single grants for urgent needs or repairs by social fund loans .
29 So anything that the landlo er the rich peasant owns and works himself or cultivates by hired labour you 're going to allow to keep .
30 Emil , Oliver , Cathy and I went round the tables pouring wine , tea or coffee into glasses or cups on small trays with small movements , and when that was done Zak bounded into the midst of things , vibrating with fresh energy , to get on with the mystery .
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