Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who manufactures , imports or supplies any substance for use at work —
2 A person who manufactures , imports or supplies any substance for use at work must ensure that , so far as is reasonably practicable , it is safe and without risk to health ; there are requirements for testing , examination and research .
3 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who designs , manufacturers , imports or supplies any article for use at work —
4 Dismissal can not usually be justified merely because the employee 's private life is scandalous or involves immoral conduct , and this has been reconfirmed by a recent Higher Labour Court decision ( LAG Hamm , 17 Sa 1326/89 ) .
5 An amount may only be transferred from the revaluation reserve : to the profit and loss account , if the amount was previously charged to that account or represents realised profit , or for the issue of bonus shares .
6 During an ectopic pregnancy , the foetus damages or ruptures surrounding tissue as it grows , which causes abdominal pain .
7 Table 1 provides information on how many of the referrals started in or out-of-hours each month .
8 This approach has the advantage of providing detailed data about the nature and severity of illness in society , but it suffers from the obvious drawback that not everyone who is ill seeks or receives medical treatment and not everyone who seeks medical treatment is necessarily ill .
9 No signs of dangerously high radiation levels had been deteced in water samples from the Kara and Barents Seas , where Soviet dumping , totalling 2.5 million curies , took place , the conference participants said , adding that there was strong consensus among them that " there is no evidence of any regional-scale radioactive contamination in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans that currently poses a threat to human health or causes environmental concern . "
10 Illness may be what motivates or causes this behaviour .
11 Anyone who would like to book a stall or needs more information should contact Jillian Aldred on .
12 If a deal goes ahead , the debtor gets more money , or owes less debt ; it can pay back more of every remaining unit of debt than before the deal .
13 The overall impression gained by the Commission is that the Church in general either takes for granted the contribution of music to its worship , or places little value upon it .
14 Now if the mixture is isotropic or has cubic symmetry , but the geometry is otherwise arbitrary , it is apparent ( and can be proved ) that the overall bulk modulus would be increased ( decreased ) if both phases had a common rigidity equal to the larger ( smaller ) of their actual values .
15 The fact that a child is weaned early ( or undergoes a period of separation , or has minimal brain damage , or loses a parent through death ) will not by itself tell one about the eventual outcome .
16 If she reads this , or if any one reading it knows of her present whereabouts or has any information which would help me contact her , would they please let me know by writing to me at .
17 Look again later — has evaporation made them smaller or has more rain made them bigger ?
18 She takes two teaspoons of sugar in each of her hot drinks ; she adds two teaspoons of sugar to her breakfast cereal ( or has sugar-coated cereal or muesli with sugar ) .
19 Is chemistry still all test tubes and bad smells , or has this subject too changed from the days when perhaps some of us were at school ?
20 indicates the shoe is recommended for this purpose or has this feature
21 Or has this issue never previously been on the Church 's agenda because the majority of women did not — until our century — have the education , the freedom or the position in society to enable them to take a priestly role ?
22 Have the flora and vegetation always been as species-poor as today , or has this poverty developed over thousands of years during the post-glacial as a result of habitat loss , soil deterioration , or land-use change ?
23 Choose a game or exercise which leads into or complements this work .
24 Lord Denning M.R. said that liability extends to a case where a ‘ third person prevents or hinders one party from performing his contract , even though it be not a breach . ’
25 hearts take long slow cooking but with care and the right sauce they rival liver braincheese or sweetbreads any day .
26 There is a cyclic motion whereby linguistic observation stimulates or modifies literary insight , and whereby literary insight in its turn stimulates further linguistic observation .
27 Thus far flight tests have demonstrated that the 1,200 hp PT6A-67B-powered PC-12 meets or exceeds all performance estimates , including a maximum cruise speed of 268 knots TAS at 25,000 feet and ability to operate from short , soft and grass runways .
28 It is Andy Williams or lames Last billing and cooing .
29 Equally , it is important to know where the manufacturing and design processes take place and whether the vendor packages the paperclips itself or sub-contracts this service externally .
30 Considerable controversy has been generated as to whether his work undermines or reproduces contemporary power relations ( Lyotard 1980 ; Jameson 1984 , p. 63 ) .
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