Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] it off " in BNC.

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1 So I went back , dressed , and off I went , called the and I went up to try and beat it off .
2 should n't we use , try every effort to try and carry it off , perhaps that 's one that Jehovah 's looked at and said well there 's an area that they need to learn about , that need to understand a little more , they know nothing about that particular area , in the scriptures , now that 's a good one for them to have , we 'll make sure they get that , that way they 're going to learn , so if ever we always get the easy ones , the ones we know , the ones we 've done before , we think I can handle this , you never learn anything do we ?
3 LT : The other speaker is likely to chip in and finish it off
4 Bernice took a few moments break from her search to reach up and snap it off .
5 Let's go downstairs and show it off to the others . ’
6 I mean the big fellows here they 've got to try and run it off or give it a tug and come off come off and get the er the sub on .
7 I 'll go and switch it off
8 Or I 'll try and get it off first and then go over it .
9 everything would be absolutely soaking , and I 'd try and get it off of him but he holds on to it so tight
10 We then run it into fermenters , adding yeast , then leave it for 3 days to ferment and rack it off into casks .
11 My Mum had to come in and turn it off .
12 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
13 So they 've got ta try and kill it off now .
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