Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Area Director also has power to discharge or revoke it upon the happening of specified events including a request from the applicant so to do , or where the aid has been abused , or where the applicant is in arrears with contributions , or where the applicant 's financial position improves so that he or she is able to afford to fund legal action .
2 Sometimes they can be given a lump of clay that is too heavy for them to lift and they will gain new experiences as they try to mould or divide it into pieces of a manageable size .
3 If the court has ordered the husband ( or the husband has agreed ) to convey or transfer his interest in the former matrimonial home to the wife , there is no reason why he should agree , at the request of the wife , to convey or transfer it to herself and her new husband .
4 For large tensile specimens most test machines use swivelling or gimbal grip mountings to avoid such effects of non-axiality , but when small specimens are used , of a few millimetres in cross-section as is common with polymer tests , axiality may become more difficult to achieve because the mass of the swivelling grip requires considerable stress to rotate or move it into the axial position .
5 Such theories , he remarks , ‘ are not centrally concerned with literature ; indeed , they may marginalize or abandon it as a category ’ , and he instances their source in such fields as philosophy , psychology , sociology , anthropology , linguistics .
6 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
7 The general law of confidential information would impose a duty to the donors of information not to use or disclose it beyond the purposes for which it is given without consent of the donors .
8 Hindus revere nature but never feel any need to marshal or mould it into a design of their own : a banyan tree will almost be encouraged to spread its drooping creepers into the middle of any village market , or to block any backwoods track .
9 Let him go or pass it by ? ’
10 In an age when insurance against all forms of liability is commonplace , it is surely not surprising or unjust if law makes persons who carry on some kinds of hazardous undertakings liable for the harm they do , unless they can excuse or justify it on some recognisable ground . ’
11 You must not subsequently display or offer it for sale as your own work !
12 The change-over day from one occupancy to the next was on a Saturday , when our admirable Jane Jones arrived to clean and prepare it for the next lot .
13 We 'll try and make it in the morning .
14 Right , I got a cheque in my pocket made out to pay cash so she said you can go in and cash it on the counter .
15 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
16 With the weight of John 's head slowly reducing one leg to numbness , I decided to try and explain it to myself .
17 Can you go and explain it to Mrs when she 's finished talking to Christopher ?
18 If you do n't have a ‘ fridge , put the food in the coldest place you can find and eat it within one or two days .
19 But they were quite happy to come along and discuss it with the parish council erm and .
20 Although he was still charged with assault , the trial was not for two months , which gave her time to wait and discuss it with Charles once he was completely recovered .
21 No doubt the judge , if he does not agree with the course proposed , is fully entitled to convey that to counsel and discuss it in the absence of the jury .
22 She watched the ants attack a small shrew , moving with one mind to overpower and strip it of its flesh .
23 Then , when we are ready , we can reconstitute and display it as new information which human beings can once again understand .
24 Now you can come and enjoy it in Europe 's very own Magic Kingdom — just a relatively short coach and ferry ride across the Channel
25 He moved along the hedge , feeling the breeze from the south and looking for some spot where he could sit and scent it without too much risk .
26 It is the board which has the final responsibility for strategic plans and actions while the role of the corporate planning department is to advise and assist it in its decisions .
27 It 's not that that your Margaret ai n't got time to stop there and dry it for her , you know what I mean .
28 Bullied into bathing , Theda allowed Agnes to wash her long hair for her , and acquiesced when that redoubtable dame dragged a chair outside that she might sit and dry it in the sun .
29 I must go and break it to dear Dimity , and then we must clear up things here , and set off for Thrush Green without delay . ’
30 I know , he might still come in and collect it on Wednesday , but you can just say that you left it home because we do n't have English that day now .
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