Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The solution perceived by some libraries has been to bring in educational technologists to perform or assist with evaluation .
2 It could make or break with vibration or thermal expansion as the machine warmed up .
3 Many of the studies are not large enough to detect or exclude with certainty clinically relevant differences in the effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic and related drugs .
4 Which system is used also depends on company philosophy and policy with regard to ensuring that expatriates do not lose or gain with respect to their colleagues at home , local employees abroad and other expatriates in other parts of the world .
5 As an alternative to modifying the soil , by the use of chemical agents , coatings may be applied to clean surfaces to prevent or interfere with soil attachment .
6 Quite apart from the leisurely beginnings and ends of terms , the examination time , unexpected holidays , and festivals , requests for children to parade or sing or help with community work , there are the apparently inevitable absences of teachers : the headmaster to collect salaries , the senior teachers to mark and supervise examinations or attend panels , the married ladies to nurse sick children or to have babies .
7 When light dawns as to what we are fighting for and why it is so difficult to achieve , sometimes we can break off and laugh with relief and take the steps to reconciliation that , again and again and again seem to be necessary .
8 Season to taste and sprinkle with parsley before serving .
9 Their versatility and dependability enable me to draw and paint with confidence and control , in quick field sketches or detailed studio works .
10 Rhynchosaurs did not diversify — radiate — into so many different forms and niches as many other major groups of animals , but they are known from many parts of the world and they certainly did change and evolve with time .
11 He became sadder and sadder ; presently he began to cry and wail , then to scream and bellow with grief .
12 We all looked forward to these occasions as it was a chance to meet and converse with V.I.P. 's on our own ground in the relaxed atmosphere of a cruising holiday .
13 It might also have been caused by a dry soldered joint , that is , one which can make and break with expansion when warm .
14 Opposition Members have persistently evaded questions about their plans to repeal that legislation , but they have been more forthcoming about the new powers that they have promised the trade unions , including powers to force employers to recognise and negotiate with trade unions
15 As a public relations consultant it is assumed you can write and speak with skill and authority .
16 I was so tired with the journey and the entertainment that I could only walk and speak with difficulty for the next three days .
17 Teddy can also line up with a party balloon and there 's a heart motif to complete a picture to knit and give with love .
18 I want a culture which you can tug and shape with complexity .
19 Soon bombs would rip the surging vegetation somewhere , punching holes which would rot and quicken with parasite blooms .
20 And because he was slightly dim , or at least vulnerable and kind and easily led , being one of the few people I could mock and dominate with impunity , we became mates .
21 Some visitors never learn how to come and go with grace , and clock-watching , when the time for departure is drawing near , should be carefully avoided .
22 He had handled many issues with skill and public spirit and good feeling , but he had no publicly recognized parcel of achievement which he could open from time to time and contemplate with satisfaction .
23 Despite what brewers ' architects often allege , the life expectancy of such plastic window units is proving remarkably short — as little as five years for the fittings , and twenty years for the plastic itself , which is exhibiting distinct tendencies to warp and discolour with age .
24 As the parent of a daughter who has had to struggle and cope with dyslexia , I have perhaps more personal knowledge of the difficulties that it causes than many hon. Members .
25 Guideline 9 : Try to be around enough to encourage your child in his/her efforts to learn about and cope with life .
26 In an attempt both to gauge the extent of the problem and to help managers identify and cope with stress in themselves and others , Douglas Donnelly , Safety Officer , organised a stress awareness seminar which was presented by the Occupational Health Service .
27 He possessed a wonderful gift of story telling and could talk and write with authority on many aspects of life especially music and Irish folklore .
28 Can I go can I go and play with tennis trainer ?
29 He only wished he could grow taller and tougher and learn not to twitch and stammer with nervousness , that he could stop biting his nails and scratching his head so that his father would no longer hate him .
30 the power of the leader to reward and punish with organisation backing is high .
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