Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Time will tell whether , in trying to tailor the magic formula to their own requirements , Britain 's new-look high-street off-licences will sink or swim into the Nineties .
2 In contemporary times , the cultural field of these symbol-producing middle classes undergoes such expansion , such ‘ mass-ification ’ , that it begins to engulf or implode into the more general social field itself .
3 Rule 8 : do n't daydream or drift into a negative frame of mind
4 This investment overview does not constitute an offer or invitation to persons to subscribe for or purchase any shares or other securities in any company or for persons to enter or offer into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by a investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment .
5 Boots are the best footgear on rough terrain and a torch is essential if the intention is to peep or venture into the caves that will be seen en route .
6 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
7 At the end of the session , June Braithwaite said she had found it useful ; she had not needed to become hysterical , and he had not been able to leave and disappear into the kitchen .
8 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
9 As he ran he grabbed a torch , and Tallis watched its flame bob and weave into the darkness , soon lost among the trees .
10 They ordered calvados and played canards , dipping the sugar cubes in the tawny liquid so that the surfaces just met , the liqueur drawn up through the sugar , flushing and softening it until at just the right moment , a split second before the sweetness might dissolve and fall into the drink and spoil it , you tipped your head back and took the lump on your tongue and either let it melt there , or gnashed the singingly sweet grit of the sugar grains .
11 To prevent the spread of infection by airborne droplets , people should cough and sneeze into a handkerchief , preferably a paper one which can be disposed of by burning or flushing down the toilet .
12 As they accelerated away Joseph turned to stare out of the window and saw the peasant jump up and break into a little celebratory caper in the middle of the road .
13 ‘ When I came here with my parents in 1974 and saw that most of the ‘ Australian ’ souvenirs were imported from Hong Kong and the Philippines , I decided to try and break into the market , ’ he recalled .
14 And when father came and took mother for his wife , to live with her and to take care of her , the little egg began to grow and grow into a real little baby .
15 If the brain was letting off steam and smoke into the sky while filth flowed down its flanks , it remained a pressure vessel of packed humanity , a vat of frustrations , oppressions and twisted longings .
16 In the realms where it was studied , it was recognised as the ability to tear and claw into the mind of another .
17 In no circumstances can you set your net on a field inhabited by any farm animals , for these can panic and run into the standing nets — not only destroying the evening 's sport but also destroying the nets .
18 Never do if I was ordered to pull over and blow into a bag . ’
19 Winter is the time to lie back and sink into the great British bath .
20 Along zones of plate convergence , especially where these occur along the margins — of continents ( such as along the west coast of South America ) , buckling of the oceanic lithosphere causes it to founder and sink into the underlying asthenosphere , thereby forming a subduction zone .
21 Any small hope held out to her by circumstances , or by her lover , is as a wisp which she can spin and twist into a thread , and if she gathers enough of these her feelings tell her that she will be able to bind them into a strong rope .
22 He needs excellent standing balance and selective leg movements to stand up and step into the bath , and even then he may need handrails on either side for stability and safety .
23 He would stand and stare into the darkness trying to see the old ruins of Caesar 's time , but not tonight , the mist was too thick .
24 Welds split because of continual use , and poorly constructed boreholes let sand and grit into the well water .
25 In the time it took Nick to arrive Harriet forced herself to wash and change into a clean sweatshirt , though the most mundane of everyday actions seemed a huge effort .
26 I would shower and change into a dress .
27 ‘ I can recognise the warning signs straight away — I start to tremble and go into a cold sweat , ’ explains Philippa .
28 ‘ He 'll not sell up and go into a Home , that 's for sure , ’ said his Dad .
29 After gorging itself it would lie down and go into a digestive torpor , and could alternately eat and doze over a period of several weeks .
30 ‘ He would direct the victim to park and go into the warehouse , showing that he had access .
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