Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or to jeer at the discredited Baltic Communists who rode in behind the thugs , proclaimed themselves in charge in Lithuania and Latvia and then scuttled for cover .
2 I dare say someone could cross a road with the best of intentions — to help an old lady perhaps , or to look at a fruit-shop — then slip on a banana-skin and cause a perfectly horrible accident .
3 Ca can we just look at a I do n't know which way to be specific or to look at the general first , can I just
4 Advantage of this can be taken by widely-held public companies to enable them temporarily to freeze the list of those who are entitled to receive an annual dividend or to vote at an annual general meeting .
5 From the outside it is difficult to know whether to curse Bramante 's decision to demolish the original church — apart from the internal apse structure and the ( later ) campanile , — or to marvel at the soaring lines .
6 In the absence of any sustained historical research into football in this period , it is not possible to say how frequent or how violent these occasions were , or to arrive at a balanced comparison between football disorders in the 1920s and 1930s as against those in more recent years .
7 Our Lord left this earthly scene to occupy his throne and to sit at the Father 's table .
8 well not posters , the horsewatch is a prime example where I wanted to look at setting a format in a particular way , and to sit at the side of either Alf or Tracey well now alter it to that or to that I 'm sure they 'd do it , but nevertheless it 's putting them off their work .
9 ‘ RADA taught me about drugs and I learned to cook and to drive at the RSC , ’ she laughs .
10 And to stand at the ford as long as humanly possible , denying the Northumbrians the crossing until they were forced to give way .
11 Ten years previously he had bound her husband over to good behaviour and to appear at the next sessions .
12 It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 1995 .
13 The project aims to develop a general set of answers to these questions , relevant to any metropolitan region , and to look at a set of current labour market issues in Greater London and the Outer Metropolitan region ( including West Kent . )
14 And er it , it 's much pleasanter to work and to look at a pleasant environment than something that , that is n't .
15 However , it is time to take a more positive view , and to look at the way early organisms began to combine energy from the sun with gases in the atmosphere and in so doing enabled life as we know it to evolve .
16 Each party tended to see its own central ideal and to look at the others concerned as a perverse distraction from it .
17 The best way is to make a chart of each proposed solution and to look at the gains , losses and likely outcome for each .
18 One aim of this chapter is to assess the impact of feminism on political sociology ‘ twenty years on ’ and to look at the difficulties confronting those who wish to do work on women .
19 There have been various attempts to classify different corporate cultures and to look at the consequences of those types for the use of power ( see Deal and Kennedy ; Handy ) .
20 I urge the Minister to comment on that and to look at the way in which capital is treated for income support purposes to ensure that such disadvantages do not continue .
21 This study aims to discover patterns of migration of labour within and between the townships of Calverley parish and to look at the role of vestry policy upon this and also upon movement into and out of the parish .
22 And to look at the colourful display of begonias , geraniums and fuchsias set against the trees and shrubs , the unusual rockery plants , the miniature acres in their raised beds , linked pools and waterfall , emptying into a small bog garden , and the greenhouse brimming with plants raised from cuttings and seed , you would think the Doughtys spend hours every day keeping it all in trim .
23 Gregory of Tours , in particular , provides evidence of unequalled richness ; on the one hand he provides us with some of the most compelling images of the power of the Merovingian Church , on the other he allows us to see behind those images , and to look at the nuts and bolts supporting them .
24 Erm , and to look at the stories which are of a different time but are still relevant to our time and place , they have a , have a message for us , even though they were set a hundred years ago , they 've still got something to say us , so I think that 's an area we need to explore .
25 Last week he announced that he was to undertake a radical review of public spending and to look at the ‘ nitty gritty ’ of the welfare state .
26 Child care is one obvious example , but there are also the many day-to-day tasks which enable households to be maintained and to function at a reasonable level of efficiency .
27 We aim to continue to expand the magazine , provide more opportunities to our members , continue to give exposure to the work of women artists and to lobby at every opportunity to enable equality to exist within all the professional levels of the art world today .
28 The right to elect members on to the Executive Committee and to vote at the Annual General Meeting
29 By virtue of this settled view he managed to live tolerably through the period , to risk his fate in a number of bold throws , and to emerge at the end with his dignity unimpaired and his power enhanced .
30 Even if you are not a skier , it is worth taking the funicular up to the slopes just to experience the journey and to marvel at the views opening out below .
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