Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The proprietors are happy to provide dinner with prior notice or to direct you to any of the many pubs and restaurants within a three-mile radius .
2 I do not want to mislead you , or to deter you from making the right personal decision .
3 If your employer has the right , for example , to insist that you undertake certain other tasks or to move you to another department , your job will be at risk if you dig in your heels and disobey .
4 I have written to Professor Vessey to request permission to film at the Radcliffe Infirmary and to interview you in part of our Project Video English language teaching video programme .
5 ‘ I came to say goodbye and to thank you for all you 've done . ’
6 ‘ I came to apologise for hitting you , ’ she began determinedly , ‘ and to thank you for the cheque . ’
7 ‘ Oh , no , I was only teasing , and I really only came in to tell you that I 'm leaving tomorrow , and to thank you for being so kind , and — well , to say goodbye .
8 " Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to give you safe deliverance , and to preserve you in the great danger of childbirth ; you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto God … "
9 The opportunity to serve you and to meet you over the next twelve months I look forward to enormously and while I 'm not conceited enough to think that I can move mountains in the year ahead , or naive enough to think that I can please everybody fully , fellow Tablers I promise you I will not let you down .
10 ‘ The money is a bona fide payment in thanks for your co-operation and to compensate you for the upheaval .
11 ‘ Not even a bona fide payment in thanks for your co-operation and to compensate you for any upheaval ? ’
12 In the context of nurses and health visitors returning to work it might be more useful to look at the ways in which regrading affects your application and appointment , and to provide you with general advice on what to expect from employers in due course .
13 But the defendant is left with a grievance and , in those circumstances , what I feel obliged to do is to accept the application that has been made on his behalf and to discharge you from returning a verdict in this case . ’
14 - The banks start promising to look after you much better than ever before , and to shower you with presents .
15 Convocation ( a requirement of the University 's constitution ) on the other hand only wants your friendship and to keep you in touch .
16 But he was very kind , and brought me all the M & B tablets he could find , with instructions to get you back to bed , and to keep you from other children , and give you M & B every four hours until you were sick , and then try them again very slowly .
17 In conclusion , Ladies and Gentlemen , and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible during our year to renew old friendships and to forge new ones and to welcome you to Conference in 1994 in the Land of the Prince Bishops .
18 And to roll you in the clover
19 It takes a stylist 's skill to choose exactly the right combination for you , and to advise you on maintaining the treatment between visits .
20 And one and two , that 's it , got it , erm , the , better we just do to check that it 's correct and to remind you for rhythm , is listen to those , because those are exactly the same as those .
21 I 'm supposed to first say is th are you finding the course okay and to ask you about your projects .
22 Jean Margaret 's memo 17.1.89 re sickness , you need to make clear that Area Staff inform you of any days sickness they have and to ask you for a form .
23 Today we hold a short welcome meeting to fully explain the routes , and to familiarise you with your steed !
24 At this early stage in getting to know Qbasic you can hardly expect to turn out a master work but to leave you with just Hello World until next month would be cruel .
25 And remember , the aim here is not to turn you into a super-mathematician but to accustom you to thinking somewhat differently to the way you were taught at school and thereby to make things easier for yourself .
26 He said , ‘ You understand that in my capacity as stage manager it 's my job not only to train you in your chosen career but to guide you in other respects . ’
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