Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The most common error by solicitors concerns the incorrect calculation of fees , and the following also appear frequently : ( 1 ) Failure to sign certified copies ; ( 2 ) Failure to sign application forms ; ( 3 ) Using a facsimile signature on application forms ; ( 4 ) Leaving uncompleted spaces in building society and other mortgages ; ( 5 ) Failure to include , on application for first registration , a land charges search against the seller ; ( 6 ) Failure to lodge a probate or letters of administration , or to mark the abstract thereof as examined .
32 Here is the gap that the Bank is equipped to fill : by lending for infrastructure ( or to ease the financial burden of changes in economic policy ) , and by tying advice and policy-strings to these loans , it can meet both needs .
33 It is well worth visiting just as a tourist or to do the five-hour walk along the bottom of the gorge .
34 In every case that I have examined , the police were involved at a very early stage , before any serious attempt had been made either to assess the reliability of the allegation or to give the accused teacher a chance of refuting it .
35 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
36 It is , incidentally , illegal in Malta to kill any bird or prey or to use the heavy-gauge shot that was used .
37 To do this it is possible to use the verb ‘ order ’ and say , for example , ‘ I order you to clean your boots ’ , or to use the imperative form ‘ Clean your boots ’ , which is often associated with ordering .
38 Yet within the context of organized literary study , it is true that much of the difficulty students have in making sense of texts comes from a lack of information , or to use the older term , a deficiency in general knowledge .
39 may well , well what was the company 's policy , to update in the sales period or to use the same brochure ?
40 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
41 Symptomatic patients with excessive DGR and a positive provocation test might be expected to benefit from treatment designed either to prevent DGR or to protect the gastric mucosa .
42 I personally find it hardest to deal with married men , still sexually active with their wives while seeking casual unsafe sex with gay men and refusing either to change their sexual style or to consider the possible results .
43 Little attempt , until quite recently has been made to relate all this material to the site-stratification , or to consider the social and economic evidence these artefacts could give us if related to particular periods or parts of the site .
44 Although Bush won all of the Republican contests , his margins of victory were not sufficiently large either to destroy Buchanan 's candidacy , or to disguise the sizeable portion of Republicans who were dissatisfied with Bush 's record .
45 A range of policy innovations were needed to overcome or to moderate the urban problems .
46 ‘ To be neutral … is to do one 's best to help or to hinder the various parties concerned in an equal degree . ’
47 The Hard Copy Manager may edit the configuration file to allocate more room in the hard copy directory , or to reduce the minimum fill mark of the volumes , or the manager may reduce the number of charge codes for which the run is being made ; the manager may make both adjustments if necessary .
48 A question worth asking is whether it will be easier to teach competent makers in the first three categories , in which engineers are well represented , enough about the work of the fourth to understand how a company works , or to teach the fourth about the first three to the same standard .
49 Bernard was at the least reckoning an ambitious yeoman , the kind we expect to find purchasing land , like the Chibnalls of Sherington , not selling — unless , of course , he had done so in order to finance the purchase of his lease , or to stock the new and very much bigger farm ; but this is pure speculation .
50 They failed to pick their own high ground or to control the political agenda .
51 This latter tactic often succeeds because of the unwillingness of the deaf person to try to force the point or to contradict the hearing person .
52 Russia can not afford to be flanked by newly nuclear states on its southern borders ; or to allow the ethnic strife in and between ex-Soviet republics to turn nuclear ; or to see extremists among its own fissiparous peoples demand independence on pain of nuclear terrorism .
53 Nevertheless , my conclusion is that to allow a local government authority to sue for libel would impose an added and substantial restriction upon freedom of expression which , having regard to the ability of individuals within a local authority to sue for libel , and to the ability of a local government authority to sue for malicious falsehood , or to invoke the criminal law of libel , can not be regarded as necessary in our democratic society .
54 Sites are also being destroyed in various countries by the plundering of suitable sites for finds to sell to tourists or to supply the illegal trade in saleable antiquities .
55 It will be impractical , for example , to go to the market too often for new equity or to get the debt-equity ratio too far out of line .
56 Many electric fires were thus used as intermittent bedroom heating at night , or to heat the main room on cooler spring or autumn evenings when the coal fire had not been needed during the day .
57 In all these societies there are contradictory movements , either to limit or to expand the social services ; movements which take place in what are still substantially free market economies , but raise the question whether there can be any further development of the welfare state without restricting still more the operation of the market and eventually creating a more socialist type of economy in which public ownership of some major productive resources and financial institutions , and more extensive planning , would have a larger role .
58 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
59 Upon receipt of such written , telefaxed or telexed claim , or its agent or representative shall have the right to test or to inspect the Licensed Software at its then location or to have the Licensed Software despatched to a point designated by or returned to carriage pre-paid .
60 Into Germany , by parachute if necessary , of his own free will , to plead with Hitler to give in , or to rally the German Volk against him .
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