Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would love to write to or to meet anyone with similar interests , or with children of a similar age . ’
2 If you do not make a will , your partner has no right to look after your affairs or to inherit anything of yours .
3 The articles opened with the comprehensively damning statement that the king ‘ is not sufficient to govern ’ because throughout his reign he had been led and governed by others who had given him evil counsel , to the dishonour of himself and the destruction of Holy Church and his people , and he had refused to provide any remedy , or to allow one to be made , when he was asked to do so by the great and wise men of his realm .
4 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
5 It was also a pleasant break from air-travel to go by road from Agra to Delhi , and to see something of the country .
6 Mr Keegan said : ‘ We want to personally thank the people who have contributed to this memorial and to thank everyone in Kirkby for their support and kind wishes over the months . ’
7 CAMPAIGN is completed by a full terrain and unit editor , allowing you to build your own scenarios , and to re-create any conflict from this period , and to try lots of ‘ what-ifs ’ by tweaking and altering the balance of power .
8 On the one hand , as I wrote , I found myself wanting to alert readers to an increasing amount of detailed literature , across a wide range of disciplines , currently being reported ; and to indicate something of the complexity of the issues being pursued .
9 Often there are letters in the papers from parents who have sent off for T-shirts and pictures from a band 's fan club , only to have their cheque cashed and to receive nothing for months .
10 We would ask everyone to be patient and to leave plenty of time for their journey , ’ he stressed .
11 This is a unique opportunity both to help the Magdalen Bridge Appeal Fund and to leave something of your life to posterity .
12 Eternity as the sound of endless babble : one could of course imagine worse things , but the idea of hearing women 's voices forever , continuously , without end , gave her sufficient incentive to cling seriously to life and to do everything in her power to keep death as far away as possible .
13 Toby Weaver , Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education and Science and a merciless private critic of successive Ministers , found in him ‘ the first person to stop talking about comprehensive reorganisation and to do something about it ’ .
14 It enables groups to identify their own needs and to do something about meeting them .
15 From such an analysis we can pick out causes and action points : we are then in a better position to understand what is happening and to do something about it .
16 A special feature is a cantilevered bay window which is designed to create more space and to give plenty of natural light .
17 But Richard 's polite attempt to straighten himself and to give something like a slight bow made the damage to his lung rather worse .
18 We 'll probably take this on paper , so the reason it 's on the agenda is to tell you as a department that we 've had this sent to us , erm we 've got a meeting later this week to actually sit down and analyse it and to put something on paper to send up to command .
19 Once installed FAXgrabber can be configured to monitor fax activity automatically and to convert everything to text as soon as it arrives .
20 The first child wants to be the most important , and to keep everything for itself .
21 The aim of this chapter is to explore the nature of RMI , and to understand something about the key elements ( information , cultural change ) .
22 This concept of individual timetables enables us to get away from the focus on the family or household as an undifferentiated unit , and to understand something of the complex patterns which evolve when individuals ' lives are woven together over the period of their lifetimes .
23 He goes on to connect the semantic change with ‘ the general tendency of the Enlightenment not to accept any authority and to decide everything before the judgement seat of reason ’ ( p. 241 ) .
24 So it 's my great pleasure to declare congress open and to welcome everybody to Portsmouth .
25 Rather , it has set out to demonstrate how seriously we take the many connections between pupil and teacher language and learning and teaching in schools , and to describe something of how staff and students proceed .
26 You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating and to get plenty of relaxation .
27 It 's not felt that your private life in terms of your political opinions will necessarily impinge on your public life , and , and to deprive somebody of the right to express their opinions in public would be regarded as an infringement of his civil liberties , which would be unthinkable in a republican erm situation .
28 It 's designed to operate across multiple computer systems and to integrate anything from personal computers to mainframes .
29 Well I really you know , felt that that was a good experience , to see people who were normally classed as powerless , having erm that kind of strength within themselves and and the the power to push on and to face lots of difficulties .
30 They should be advised to avoid sudden cold , hypoxic conditions and infections and to take plenty of drinks , especially when hot .
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