Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The NHS could purchase services from the private sector in order to clear waiting lists for particular ailments or to obtain access to specialised equipment possibly not available in NHS hospitals .
2 For example , if the client wishes to restrict the contractor to working in specified hours , or to restrict access to parts of the works , the client must expect to pay more .
3 People who require help with their personal needs or bodily functions , or to avoid danger to themselves or others , may be eligible for Attendance Allowance , which is paid regardless of age or income , and is tax free .
4 The choice is to ignore this or to draw attention to it .
5 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
6 I justify myself on the grounds that I do n't indulge in idle gossip and have never sought to aggrandise myself or to do harm to others .
7 Thus a mother with early infectious syphilis likely either to miscarry or to give birth to a stillborn child .
8 De Gaulle used the Interministerial Councils in order to inform himself more fully on important issues or to give momentum to policies that he favoured .
9 In the case of the large professional partnership , Fama and Jensen argue that the shareholders in such a firm have enough knowledge about its activities to be able to protect their interests , without either the need to all be on the board , or to have recourse to external representatives .
10 He never misled the fans , he always maintained that good players would sometimes be sold , in order to balance the books , too improve the ground or to raise money to ‘ balance ’ the squad .
11 As well as the selection of family size , there are choices to allow or to refuse life to a healthy or damaged foetus , to agree to artificial insemination by husband or other donor , and to opt for in vitro fertilization .
12 The Department of the Environment has become involved in discussions as to whether a local authority was entitled to specify that a contractor for refuse collection must hire council vehicles , or to refuse permission to outside tenderers to use a council depot ( Hughes 1989:20 ) .
13 More exotically , they can be used for voice conferencing or to gain access to mainframe computers .
14 This is not the time to subject me to some kind of general knowledge quiz … or to make love to me , although heaven knows I 'd like you to .
15 But it is a deeply conservative trade which has resolutely resisted most attempts to bring it into the twentieth century , to make it more efficient , or to make access to the law more available to the ordinary citizen .
16 , … or to strike south to the Waste , recapture the girl — remember , they may know nothing about her — and then ride back either by the track on the other side of the Swamp or carry on direct south towards Leicester .
17 Subsidy is no longer allocated on grounds of long-term benefit , nor to give voice to disenfranchised ‘ minorities ’ , nor to promote media literacy or experimental practice .
18 Black Agnes would leave along with her brother and sister , having no wish to co-operate in the treachery of her peculiar husband nor to act hostess to Edward Plantagenet .
19 As we have noted , Circular 11/77 asked Regional Advisory Councils to draw up plans for the training of full-time further education teachers and to report progress to the DES by September 1978 .
20 How long will the country continue to lose jobs and to lose access to the great national asset of our coal , given that the Government want to sell off British Coal overnight at a cheap price , for the benefit of the Treasury ?
21 The declaration of policy was more than a statement of priorities and objectives , designed to disavow as misdirected Mr Benn 's essay in Industrial Co-operation and to restore credibility to the idea — and , incidentally , to meet Signor Prandini 's dismissive criticism .
22 Meanwhile it has been necessary to delay most new grant announcements , and to achieve immediate savings elsewhere in other activities such as seminars and workshops and to freeze recruitment to the Council 's laboratories and to the Swindon office .
23 Their task was to take oaths of allegiance from the various semi-independent cities , and to encourage resistance to Milan .
24 The ministries both of foreign affairs and of defence are lobbying parliament hard to ratify START 1 and the Lisbon protocol , and to accept accession to the NPT .
25 Acceptance enables you not to have to hide things about yourself and to find freedom to be yourself .
26 This would include commitments by industrialized countries to cut carbon dioxide emissions , and to provide assistance to third-world states to do the same .
27 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
28 Prudential regulation is necessary to protect customers and to provide stability to the financial system , and one of its major functions is to deter financial institutions from taking on excessive levels of risk .
29 By a notice of appeal dated 23 April 1992 the Treasury Solicitor appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) on a true construction of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 the court was precluded from making the order for examination ; ( 2 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in making the order and in holding that ( i ) it was possible to interpret section 9(4) of the Act so as not to preclude the order sought , ( ii ) the exclusion contained in section 9(4) was restricted to cases where the actual capacity in which the witness was called on to give evidence was a Crown capacity and that the fact that the evidence sought was acquired in the course of the witness 's employment as a servant of the Crown was not of itself sufficient to bring the case within the exclusion , ( iii ) the fact that the witness was now retired from his position was relevant to the question whether the exclusion in section 9(4) applied , ( iv ) if some other interpretation were possible , it would be unacceptable to approach section 9(4) as requiring the court to refuse to make the order that a witness who was competent and compellable within the United Kingdom should give evidence for foreign proceedings , ( v ) there was nothing in the material sought to be given in evidence which it could have been the policy or intention of the Act to have prevented being explored ; ( 3 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in approaching the question of capacity by concentrating on the position of the witness at the time that the evidence was to be given as opposed to the position of the witness at the time that he acquired the information which was the subject matter of the evidence and the nature content and source of such evidence ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly ignored the fact that the Crown as a party to the Hague Convention was in a position to give effect to it and to provide evidence to foreign courts in accordance with it without recourse to the court ; and ( 5 ) the judge had wrongly approached section 9(4) on the footing that it most likely addressed prejudice to the sovereignty of the state .
30 ‘ … to collect appropriate information , as defined by the activities of the Highways and Planning departments , to maintain that information cohesively , such that it is consistent , accurate , up-to-date , complete and easy to manage , and to provide access to that information within the time constraints of the users , … ''
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