Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When you see those wildlife programmes on telly they 're all either fucking or eating each other .
2 It is big enough for the bands to circle without getting in each other 's way or drowning each other out .
3 Mark your caravan by etching or engraving each window with your postcode .
4 He also imagined men photographed in colour , sprawled alone or holding each other , doing extraordinary things but in ordinary rooms , living rooms ; doing things on sofas , on sheepskin rugs , stretched across a coffee table .
5 These interfere with each other , cancelling each other out or reinforcing each other to produce bigger waves .
6 She opened a door into a cavernous room where the young army were grouped round a huge table on which their boots and packs rested , smoking , rolling cigarettes or making each other up .
7 Five were of players chatting or congratulating each other .
8 If we start from the raw data values X 1 we can either proceed up the ladder of powers by squaring or cubing each number or down the ladder by taking square roots or reciprocals .
9 Or murdering each other . ’
10 Packets leaving the wrapping machine still passed over the checkweigher as before but now , instead of merely passing or rejecting each pack , the computer captured the data it measured and performed various analyses including the average weight and standard deviation for each hour .
11 Italians only find skiing interesting when they 're shouting epithets or carving each other up , which makes for severe anxiety neurosis among less passionate mortals .
12 Kissing , licking , rubbing and stroking each other 's bodies .
13 It was very undemanding , revolving round the borrowing of clothes , and helping each other with routines .
14 The feeling of comradeship now in Liverpool , the feeling that everyone was in it together and helping each other , was something that her mother would never understand , she felt , nor her grief for the baby .
15 To me , sexuality is romance and love and poetry and beauty , not picking somebody up on the street and using each other then telling them to fuck off and burning them with a cigarette .
16 By so phrasing each paragraph and bringing each incident to a proper conclusion , Nijinska gives both dancers and audience time to consider what has been done and what is yet to happen .
17 He and Gina went on living together and nagging each other quietly .
18 But if the best way to do this is by romping around a campfire and sniffing each other 's bottoms is open to question .
19 The adolescent Bisus were coming out of trance , and now sat bruised and perspiring together , simpering and repairing each other 's damaged make-up .
20 And she reached up and rubbed out the two upright strokes , replacing them with diagonal ones leaning in and touching each other at the top .
21 They were looking at each other and touching each other in such a funny way .
22 Today , however , when she glanced up and saw two men high above her on a jig smiling and nudging each other , she simply fled back to the sanctuary of her office .
23 I doubt they 've ever considered the downside of their sexual fantasies — the tacky , borrowed bedrooms and checking each other afterwards for telltale hairs on jackets , mascara marks on shirts , or the odour of stale perfume .
24 Two old countrymen , oblivious of my pack of children , began a friendly argument , raising their voices and ending each sentence with ‘ Begor ! ’ an abbreviation of ‘ By God ’ .
25 The chief investigators here were E. D. Cope and O. C. Marsh , rivals in the manner of robber barons , chartering trains and suborning each other 's assistants in an effort to get the spoils back to their base first .
26 The admission that compromise was possible is the first sign that the confident period of Hildebrandine reform — the period of intense conviction and hope of complete success — was coming to an end , and was being replaced by the age of negotiation , undertaken by lawyers and administrators , differing in their briefs , but alike in their methods , and understanding each other very well .
27 Partnerships aim to improve the educational and vocational opportunities of young people by working together and understanding each other 's needs and objectives .
28 Ethologists have offered a good deal of cross-cultural evidence , usually in the form of pictures of infants seizing each others ' toys and pushing each other about in sandpits , to support the view that the tendency to direct unprovoked action upon another person is at least universal , even though there is nothing in the evidence to suggest a unique origin for the tendency .
29 There I saw men kissing and holding and loving each other ; something that I never thought possible as the mainstream culture manifests itself in overwhelmingly heterosexual and macho terms .
30 By taking the set of compounds which are to be used and replacing each word within the compound by its corresponding root-index the storage requirement is drastically reduced .
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