Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Can a chimp perceive a movie as representing a second individual trying to solve a problem , like reaching bananas or switching on a heater ?
2 Removing stale , moist air from inside the house may be brought about deliberately — by opening a window or switching on an extractor fan — or may occur fortuitously — air passing up chimney flues , for example , or finding its own way out through one or two small gaps in the house structure .
3 However , in case of foreign participation in excess of 20 per cent of the equity or 5 million forints the assessment is reduced by 20 per cent , but if more than half of the income is derived from manufacturing goods or carrying on the business of a hotel , and the stock capital exceeds 25 million forints and the foreign participation exceeds 30 per cent , then during the first five years the tax is reduced by 60 per cent and thereafter by 40 per cent .
4 By the end of the programme Gary was much happier , showing much more pro-social behaviour and getting on a good deal better with his parents .
5 Austerity was Britain 's peculiar reward for surviving World War II unbeaten at the cost of selling her foreign assets and taking on a crippling load of debt to the United States .
6 Banishing an old life and taking on a new life and character when the time seemed ripe was a very Indian thing to do .
7 Behind the trees the late afternoon sky was growing pale towards the horizon and taking on a pellucid apricot tint .
8 In other cases he remains cut off , although he may then recover well enough physically and mentally to start a new life , perhaps even setting up home with someone else and taking on a new job .
9 A younger person marrying and taking on a teenage family may know very little about adolescents .
10 Wolfgang took the advice of his Mannheim friends — who professed themselves as disappointed as he on his lack of success — and decided to stay on until the spring , moving to cheaper lodgings and taking on a few pupils to earn money .
11 ‘ If it had n't been for her courage and fortitude in going out there and taking on the role of investigator , private detective and motivator , those files would still be closed and the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person . ’
12 Overwhelmed , he retreated to London , eventually setting up his own label in 1967 and taking on the design directorship for Kangol hats and berets in 1981 .
13 My separatist friends said I was selling out , and taking on the role of mother was just doing what the patriarchy had trained me for .
14 ‘ Come on now , mind my beasts , ’ a drover would say , standing up among the Golds of the plaid in which he had spent the night and putting on a practised tone of wheedling grievance .
15 Remove the fitting and thoroughly clean up the two ends of pipe with wire wool , before smearing on flux and putting on a new fitting .
16 ‘ I do n't quite know how to handle it , ’ said David , lowering his voice and putting on a mock-serious face .
17 She loved sitting up with the children until long past bedtime , playing silly games or just holding them in her arms and carrying on a conversation at their absurd level .
18 In an attempt to counter their rise , NME became more and more lifestyle-oriented , dabbling in fashion and ideology to an ever-greater extent and carrying on a crusade for black music with a barely disguised contempt for mainstream rock .
19 The European Court confirmed that the dispositions of the EC treaty relating to the rights of establishment forbid member states to prevent a person from establishing himself in a state and carrying on the profession of auditor on the grounds that that person is already established and recognised as an auditor in another member state .
20 Providing , that is , that he signified his intentions of commencing his partnership one month before the commencement of any of the sub-terms , and beforehand to pay a full one-quarter share of the cost of digging and winning and carrying on the said works .
21 It 's a question of recognition for the Union and we 're quite prepared , and looking forward , to going back there and carrying on the work that we were doing before .
22 Confusion sometimes arises over the use of the words ‘ book ’ and ‘ volume ’ , normally regarded as almost interchangeable , but taking on a special meaning , often indicated by the title-page , when applied to the make-up of a complete work .
23 With wrestling , the ‘ opponents ’ are not simply themselves but taking on the parts of ‘ good ’ and ‘ evil ’ in a ritual that has a context much larger than the particular match .
24 But carrying on the business of the realm is the least I can do while the King is so wretchedly confined , ’ Matilda concluded .
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