Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 The management had a choice of throwing out the canteen manager or bringing out the paper .
2 Add a border or binding down the leading and bottom edges of curtains for a real interior designer touch .
3 Guard duty over the two women was much lighter than tree-felling in the steamy forest or sawing up the timbers into six-feet lengths , then splitting them into staves for the stockade , the master 's house , and the other habitations they were erecting in the settlement .
4 it should also be possible to discover a number of laws which can be used to assist parallelism introduction , for example by making a sequential program more amenable to it , or speeding up the behaviour of a parallel network .
5 you can take a donkey ride up into the mountains in the morning , before spending the afternoon on a jet ski or paragliding down the beach .
6 Faced with the prospect of watching a fat geordie sweating himself to death on a sofa or driving down the A1 to Elland Road I chose the latter and watched the Swindon game .
7 Yesterday , as they had chatted , the model had been continually fussing with her mane of black curls , or admiring her long finger nails , or smoothing down the skirt of her grey suede suit .
8 It used to be for really petty things like not standing up , or shouting out the window , running up the dinner queue and pushing it .
9 A third reason for isostatic anomalies is that there are dynamic forces present in the sub-lithospheric mantle which are capable of actively dragging down or pushing up the lithosphere .
10 ) The same may be said of the glissando , produced by rapidly drawing in or pushing out the slide .
11 Once you have decided on the questions you want to ask , you should draw up a chart like A on which you can record customer 's responses quickly , simply by ticking or filling in the appropriate column .
12 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
13 Much of the government 's initiative was simply job substitution — the collection of rubbish or cleaning up the environment on the cheap using ACE workers instead of full-time employed council staff .
14 Some may even be clinging to the arching aerial roots of the mangroves or clambering up the trunks .
15 ‘ You hate me because I have the cash , you hate me because I 'm not tied to a counter in a shop or slaving down the mines for it .
16 Patients find visual proprioceptive cues very useful — eg , aiming at marks or patterns on the floor , trying to kick forward the leading leg , or turning up the toes inside the shoe .
17 Even though the defendant does not regard the nature of his own conduct as being disorderly , he has a sufficient mens rea to satisfy the section by being aware that he is using offensive language , or kicking over dustbins or turning out the lights in the cinema , or whatever else may be alleged to constitute the disorderly behaviour .
18 If you have just a few bushes , drape individual plants with nets , burying or pegging down the edges during vulnerable periods .
19 It 's probably where the expression ‘ work like a dog ’ was born ; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they 're not clambering over sheep 's backs or kicking up the fine , red dust .
20 He had two foremans worked under him , the purpose being they did the shifts , my father did all the writing for the Great Central Railway Depot , the marshalling yard or sorting out the trains .
21 Before you start thinking about mood and atmosphere , or revving up the party machine , what you must have are the facts .
22 Several mentioned that in recent years the rate of voluntary leaving had decreased so that they were no longer able to rely upon increasing or slowing down the rate of recruitment to maintain their labour forces at the desired level .
23 I 've never seen him in a flap , or anything less than pleasant whether dealing with an actor who 's completely shaved his head only a few days before shooting a strict continuity commercial , or calming down the ‘ real ’ Rene Goodman who has rung the Sun to complain that the latest BT commercial takes her name in vain , and people keep asking if she 's getting divorced .
24 Removing debris , dismantling , demolishing , shoring-up or propping up the home following destruction or damage insured under the policy .
25 You 'll have to empty the toilet bowl first : you can do this by bailing out the water by hand , or tying up the ballcock and flushing the loo .
26 Most mixed economy interventions involve the state in subsidizing or taking over the organization of necessary economic activities unprofitable for capital ; and most welfare policies can be understood as attempts to socialize labour costs falling on businesses , which become financed out of general taxation instead of showing up directly in employers ' wage bills and production costs .
27 Or or jumping up the council 's face !
28 Usually a contract is seen as an agreement that is freely entered into by both parties , debating or arguing out the terms at arm 's length , but in reality this is a take it or leave it operation , is n't it ?
29 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
30 However , in case of foreign participation in excess of 20 per cent of the equity or 5 million forints the assessment is reduced by 20 per cent , but if more than half of the income is derived from manufacturing goods or carrying on the business of a hotel , and the stock capital exceeds 25 million forints and the foreign participation exceeds 30 per cent , then during the first five years the tax is reduced by 60 per cent and thereafter by 40 per cent .
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