Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The NFU plan aims to offer the farmer a choice between setting land aside and receiving the full , subsidised rate for produce , or producing at maximum capacity without support .
2 to in increase apprentices into er the engineering or bringing into young people into engineering .
3 It was sleeping or eating with other people Harry could n't stand . ’
4 The term ‘ premises ’ as defined in Article 2(2) ‘ includes any place and , in particular , includes any vehicle , vessel , aircraft or hovercraft , any installation on land ( including the foreshore and other land intermittently covered by water ) , any offshore installation , and any other installation ( whether floating , or resting on the seabed or the subsoil thereof , or resting on other land covered with water or the subsoil thereof ) , and any tent or movable structure . ’
5 There is some variation between its being compulsory for all students and its being only for those who need help in reading or preaching in public .
6 Then , the message was all about freedom , flexibility and legs , bared to the thigh in pelmet skirts , streamlined in skin-tight Lycra , or flashing in black opaque tights .
7 A : Obviously , I have personal feelings against Rottweilers , but I 'm calling for a total ban or muzzling in public places which should be extended to Dobermans and German Shepherds .
8 On the BMISS standard ‘ chute , the lines are trimmed to 119cm ( 47in ) length before sewing , or gluing with epoxy to the harness .
9 Many SSDs are developing or experimenting with similar schemes .
10 But if a passage you have written seems confused , yet you think it says basically what you want it to say , it can be worth moving elements by changing around active and passive constructions ( or experimenting with cleft and pseudo-cleft constructions , which are described above , Chapter 3 , p. 64 ) .
11 ‘ The 1991 Dangerous Dog Bill already gives the Secretary of State a reserve power to impose muzzling or leashing on other types of dogs when they are considered to present a serious danger to the public .
12 To reach it other than by boat or wading in low tide would have taken an hour 's drive , so it was not often visited by the women .
13 The framework I want to propose rests upon a regard for the importance of the active , interpreting self in social interaction ; for the way it perceives , makes sense of and works upon the actions of others and the situation in which it finds itself ; the way it pursues goals and tries to maximize its own ( often competing ) interests ; the way it pursues these things by combining or competing with other selves ; the way it adjusts to circumstances while still trying to fulfil or retrieve its own purposes — and so forth .
14 Inside , they were all busily writing or drawing on small pieces of paper .
15 Fair enough , I plead guilty to telling & laughing at sick jokes too .
16 We believe that everyone will need to use the private car more selectively — possibly cycling or walking for short journeys or using public transport where this is possible . ’
17 These two styles of easy care trousers from calange are the epitome of simplicity and lightness , just what 's needed when climbing or walking in hot climates .
18 In this atmosphere , it was understandable that commercial television should be placed under the close scrutiny of a licensing body , empowered by what is now s4(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 to ensure : ( a ) that nothing is included in the programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling … ( b ) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of persons providing the programmes as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy .
19 After a couple of hours on Outrun or Road Rash , you 'll see them whizzing through Kwiksave with a trolley on a mission or storming through red lights in a Fiat Panda .
20 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
21 Often there are no tour guides and travellers are getting lost , or returning with spiritual , mental and sometimes physical distress .
22 In various articles of the forties Eliot refined his material , whether in relating poetry to religious ritual in ‘ The Social Function of Poetry ’ or returning to Primitive Culture and John Layard 's studies ‘ in the ‘ stone age ’ New Hebrides ' in ‘ Cultural Forces in the Human Order ’ which reworks many of the points in the earlier ‘ Notes ’ series .
23 In this chapter Neil Toppin describes the assessment panels at his school in Scotland , which were established to attempt a flexible response to problems of disruption within the school and to offer pupils excluded from other schools or returning from special provision another chance in the mainstream .
24 Most of its time is spent on land , hiding beneath stones or sheltering in damp mossy places searching for the worms , slugs and insects on which it lives .
25 Under most insurance systems , hospitals and health care providers supply services to insured patients and are then reimbursed for the services by the insurer either according to retrospective full-cost reimbursement , or according to prospective reimbursement .
26 Under most insurance systems , hospitals and health care providers supply services to insured patients and are then reimbursed for the services by the insurer either according to retrospective full cost reimbursement , or according to prospective reimbursement .
27 Standards may be applied nationally , regionally or according to local conditions of land use , topography , meteorology , and so on .
28 A non-exclusive list of examples of such abuses is provided : ( a ) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions ; ( b ) limiting production , markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers ; ( c ) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties , thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage ; ( d ) making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which , by their nature or according to commercial usage , have no connection with the subject of such contracts .
29 A tribe may acquire its leader by election , or by battle , or according to customary or other rules providing for devolution of the title by heredity or in other ways .
30 Profits were available for landowners who were willing to develop the land by opening coal-mines , building factories , or developing in other ways .
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