Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] she feel " in BNC.

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1 And although she felt she was being torn apart inside , at the same time the older woman 's brutal candour was welcome , because it finally answered so many unhappy questions .
2 Although his wrath frightened her and although she felt guilty , she would not be unnerved , not be fazed , not be pushed around — not when Thomas 's future was at stake .
3 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
4 He had to watch her carefully , he said , and if she felt like pottering around , that was good medicine , Anything was that encouraged her to be cheerful .
5 She hung and twisted , and if she felt anything when she dropped a little as he tied off the line to a handy window bar , she did n't show it .
6 Mornings had indeed developed into quite a happy routine of little errands and duties for Aunt Emily , the hens and the sea ; and if she felt now , as quite often she did , an incomprehensible longing for something wilder and freer and more satisfying than this domestic round , she put it down to needing to be in the open air more and gave herself , next morning , a longer spell on the smooth buff sands of the bay .
7 She said she had held the document back for so long because she was afraid it would re-open old wounds for my mother and because she felt sure it was better for us not to know what it contained . ’
8 Then turning to Millie , whose expression almost broke her down and gave her the urge to take her by the hand and run from this place , only her good sense stopped her ; and bending down , she put her arms around the child and when she felt the tightness of the embrace and the pressure of the thin body against her belly , it was only with an effort she stopped the tears from flowing .
9 She had always been interested in beauty culture and hair-styling , so she took a job with a small hairdressing parlour in Stepney to learn the tricks of the trade and when she felt she knew enough , gave in her notice and advertised her services : Lady clients visited in the comfort and privacy of their own homes .
10 Steve Sutcliffe , of Chester city council 's policy unit , said : ‘ She will become the oldest female Freeman and as she feels she can not attend a service later this month , we have staged this special ceremony for her . ’
11 Her left elbow was tingling too and as she felt for it with her right hand she found that the sleeve of her blouse had been torn .
12 She felt his fingers hook into either side of her panties , and as she felt him pull them down her body she closed her eyes .
13 She gave a hoarse moan of resistance and desire , pushing at his broad shoulders as his strong hands pressed her hips closer to his body , and as she felt that mouth claiming hers with deeper passion , and felt the evidence of his hard excitement , she felt her body clamouring for more , her eyes closing and her mouth moving under his hungrily , little gasps of shocked desire coming from the back of her throat .
14 Trollope evidently shares Jane Austen 's preference for past community to present isolation ; but where she felt those sites to be alternatives , he knows that the first is a part of history .
15 But if she feels like she wants extra time I think she ought to allow herself extra time
16 She submits , not because she is threatened with or fears immediate violence , but because she feels helpless to resist in a situation in which he is all-powerful and she is powerless .
17 He had been remarkably restrained until then , but when she felt him ease her jeans down over her hips she suddenly caught his sense of urgency as , with a low groan , he roughly pulled her even closer , burying his head against the soft skin of her thighs .
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