Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In later years a boy may continue to look unconsciously for a mother with whom to relate , or a girl for a father to take the place of a loved parent or compensate for a lack of satisfaction in that direction .
2 At eleven a child might transfer to a grammar or central ( technical trade ) school or remain in a ‘ reorganised secondary school ’ .
3 They were watching , because a machine rolling around by itself is something that you do watch , even if you 've just had to climb a tree or hide behind a hedge .
4 As a result , surveyors are likely to charge a higher fee or insist on a more extensive and therefore more expensive survey ; alternatively they may persuade the building societies and banks to stop showing valuation reports to borrowers .
5 Take out one item and scrub or agitate with a brush or cloth .
6 They may , for example ( to paraphrase the original submission ) either broaden their areas of study in order to learn the principles and methods of several disciplines or concentrate on a more extensive study of a single discipline .
7 Put the soup in a food processor or blender , or push through a fine sieve , and return to the pan .
8 Or sit for a while with your back against the trunk of a mature tree ( preferably an oak ) ; breathe deeply and allow yourself to merge , as it were , with the energies of the tree .
9 Two balconies face the tubes and plumbing mysteries of the solar heating system ; to enjoy the great views from these you have to stand , or sit on a very , very high chair .
10 To get the intended effect the listener must either wear headphones or sit between a pair of loudspeakers positioned like large headphones .
11 There are several methods you can use and of course you must find the one which suits you best but , as a starting-point , here is a simple and effective one : Lie on your bed or sit in a chair with a back which is high enough to support your neck and head .
12 Why stand in a bus queue or sit in a traffic jam when you can walk almost as quickly ?
13 If there was a grievance the students would refuse to eat their evening meal , and parade and make noises , or sit in a solid wall of silence .
14 Rather , it refers to Jesus 's membership in a specific group or sect with a specific religious and/or political orientation — the ‘ Nazarene Party ’ , as certain modern experts call it .
15 Mid-region performance is strong and acceleration only begins to tail off above 120mph , but the Chrysler engine lacks ultimate finesse at high revs , becoming noisy and slightly strained , while the power delivery is too often spoiled by a hesitation or jerk after a sudden lift-off or application of power .
16 If you are working on the floor , sit cross-legged if possible or kneel on a mat .
17 Local volunteer schemes may be able to arrange a regular visitor or you could contact an employment agency or advertise for a kindly ‘ sitter ’ .
18 The bill was designed to permit workers in companies with more than 50 employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually to care for a sick or new child , receive medical treatment or tend to a seriously ill spouse or parent .
19 If you recognise these problems as your own , my advice is see your doctor , contact a self-help group , or confide in a friend .
20 Crane , despite his activity , remained behind making occasional sorties off the road to look behind some tree or peer into a thicket .
21 Equally , with the use of appropriate figures , it would show that CDs become more liquid , the nearer they get to maturity , i.e. the nearer to maturity they get , the smaller is the loss or gain as a result of changes in prevailing yields .
22 The story weaves the Japanese viewpoint widely through the film and presents , probably for the first time to most movie viewers , a rational reason why the Japanese felt they had to attack the United States or suffer as a second-class nation .
23 This means that the rider can help his horse should he peck on landing or hesitate into a fence .
24 Students may use this form to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a certificate or DipHE as a terminal or intermediate award and may even indicate the order in which their two fields are to be listed on their transcript and CNAA parchment .
25 A high pitched shriek or cry in a tossing or stuporose child .
26 Six is the maximum you can push onto , or fit on a , a fire appliance safely .
27 More fruitful perhaps than such broad categorizations is the implication of Figure 2.1 that it is better to think of disciplines as occupying a certain space in a universe of knowledge , rather than a certain level in a hierarchy or place on a map .
28 Where abuse is disclosed , a teenage girl will be counselled and provided with ‘ safe , defensible space ’ in the form of a foster home or place in a hostel .
29 Too mean to waste a bullet or send for a vet , thought Massingham savagely .
30 For example , ‘ Bramley ’ is very difficult to keep small or grow as a cordon as it needs quite different pruning .
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