Example sentences of "[coord] [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus informed and protected you are ready — but only if it seems right for you — to embark upon a sexual journey that will last in one way or another for a life time .
2 Many acts of trespass , breaches of contract , violations of copyright , and so on , regrettable as some of them may be on other grounds , have no implications one way or another for the stability of the government and the law .
3 It is by helping newcomers , becoming a sponsor and by doing practical service of one kind or another for the group or for the Anonymous Fellowship as a whole that one gains greater insights into one 's own disease and greater humility and security in one 's own recovery .
4 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
5 Leeds are 22–1 with some bookie or another for the CCC .
6 During 1963–83 and 1984–90 the incidence of malignant disease , particularly lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas , in young people aged 0–24 in Seascale was higher than would be expected on the basis of either national rates or those for the surrounding areas .
7 That is , the critics assert that there is significant inequality between men and women , and that for a woman to be married to a man does not mean that she gains all the privileges that he has access to .
8 Only music persisted — and that for a winding-sheet .
9 All we can say is that assurances were given , and that for a short time they were accepted as having been given in good faith ; but they were not honoured .
10 In High Javanese the word for a man means " half a woman " and that for a woman means " half a man " ; when a couple are separated , the individuals can be possessed by the energies of their mate .
11 I told Bates straight out that I was the only man who had the vision and know-how to keep his club in the First Division and that for a reasonable salary , say 16K a year , I would be willing to quit Athletico .
12 This suggests , for example , that a new two-year bond issued at par would have to have a coupon of 10.25 per cent and that for a three-year bond ( with annual coupons ) trading at par the following equality holds ( see ( 5.10 ) ) : demonstrating that the YTM and the coupon are identical when a bond is trading at par .
13 you see I go on fruit and that for a day and all I do the next day is get a terrible cramp in the stomach
14 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
15 All this went down well enough with the members of the Institute , although it conveniently ignored both the fact that large numbers of those he excoriated had been encouraged into the professions by business parents and that for an entire decade ‘ the Establishment ’ had been elbowed aside by the Thatcher appointments policy .
16 When he plays C on his A instrument it sounds A. Hence the part for a B ♭ clarinet is written a tone higher than the key of the piece , and that for an A clarinet a minor 3rd higher .
17 The former is not yet available , this one and that for the Grapevine video will be prepared this summer and should be available during September .
18 You had to have meals-on-wheels because that was what there was , and particularly the meals-on-wheels study we did in Islington [ Barker & Noble , 1983 ] which clearly indicated that half the recipients desperately needed meals-on-wheels , but they needed a lot of other things as well , and that for the other half they were inappropriate anyway .
19 The accommodation schedule for the War Department was completed on 13th September and that for the Foreign Office on 20th September .
20 In December 1697 a civil list of £700,000 a year was established , which , for the first time , distinguished between money provided for defence purposes and that for the other expenses of government .
21 Perhaps Spinoza could have strengthened it in various ways , by saying that people can not on odd occasions deliberately act out of the character they try to give their lives , without destroying that character , and that for the rational person the character of a life which includes good relations with other people at large is essential for personal fulfilment .
22 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
23 More distressingly , we discovered that the Aru islands and the Greater Bird of Paradise were no longer on their trading routes and that for the last twenty years they had been pursuing the shorter and more profitable triangular passage between Celebes , Java and Borneo .
24 Many organizations such as the Royal National Institute for the Blind ( RNIB ) and that for the deaf ( RNID ) provide services on a national basis , aiming to promote better understanding of and provision for the needs of the people they represent .
25 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
26 And erm Maisy and Freda say that they would still like a few bottles and that for the stall please .
27 Or Cleethorpes and that for the day .
28 Some astronomers think that the more rapidly a body accretes the hotter it gets , and that for the outer Moon to have melted it is necessary for the Moon to have accreted in roughly 0.01 Ma .
29 Nothing could change the truth he had uttered , and that for the moment was enough .
30 I will not rehearse again my reasons for believing that the European Parliament is incapable of filling this democratic void and that for the foreseeable future the elected legislature should remain in national hands .
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