Example sentences of "[coord] [det] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the ballvalve is faulty it is likely that either the washer has worn or that the seating needs replacing ( page 46 ) .
2 So therefore they argued , my children will only get half the mutation , or half the effects of it , fifty percent increase in reproductive success .
3 Alright , in order to satiate the demand for wheat in the world , we 'd need a farm , you know , the size of Wales , or something , or bigger than that , the size of Europe , or half the size of Europe , alright , so the , because of the , the nature of agricultural production , economies of scale just are n't , are n't there .
4 He believed that parliamentary government could go a great way towards securing personal liberty but ‘ neither parliamentary government nor any other form of constitution … will ever of itself remove all or half the sufferings of human beings .
5 For one reason or another the loyalty of the squadron of some other loyalty said " no I wo n't join the Pathfinders , I want to stay where I am " .
6 In cases where a covenant must be imposed to observe existing restrictions , on behalf of a buyer always insert in the covenant such words as " so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and are subsisting and capable of being enforced " , because for one reason or another the odds are ten to one that nobody can legally enforce them ; but the case might be otherwise if you impose the restrictions afresh .
7 With a number of recent recordings of these works by various players , most of whom claim in one way or another the composer 's approval of their performance , it is certainly worth hearing how Messiaen himself approached his organ music .
8 They provided education , free education , free health services erm one of the modern communication system and ports erm and they ensure job for every Kuwaiti , so you will not find an unemployed Kuwaiti , as soon as he is able to do one job or another the Government provided the training for a large number of Kuwaiti to provide technical works .
9 This is designed for situations where for one reason or another the work can not be fully described in advance and therefore a price can not be agreed .
10 People buy goods and then find , for one reason or another the goods are faulty , or they 're unsatisfactory in some way and the customer then tries to get some kind of compensation .
11 ‘ We all hope , ’ ran its report , ‘ that by one means or another the development of these weapons can be avoided .
12 And for one reason or another the subcontractor bowled up on site on the Saturday afternoon and decided to do it then .
13 In summary , to compare t treatments , we require a number of blocks each consisting of t experimental units ; for one reason or another the units within each block are expected to behave reasonably similarly in the absence of any treatment , e.g. t mice from the same litter , t plots in the same area of a field .
14 ‘ One way or another the thing had to die .
15 For example , it may instruct its members to go-slow or work-to-rule or it may call for selective strikes ( in which certain groups of workers stop working for a specified time period ) ; or all the union members may be called out on a one-day strike .
16 Or all the ones that need sold , you know , got nice photographs of all the sold boards , and what I want her to do now is go and literally go and traipse the streets
17 Seventy percent of the expenditure is on staff who you do not employ and can not dismiss , a large part of the income , or all the income is through the fees that are set na nationally by the government .
18 All one or all the other .
19 Hell , his consciousness could be in every drop of rain , or all the bullets in the City .
20 When er the sales exec for marketing goes round doing the contract bits and pieces er they he or she and the surgery the doctors ' senior partners or all the doctors will agree on the number of booklets we 're going to print .
21 The village might be gone , or dead , or all the inhabitants turned to stone like the houses .
22 An " arrangement " under s103(3) includes a scheme of arrangement under s425 , but it must be open to all the shareholders ( or all the shareholders of the same class ) to take part in it ( s103(4) ) .
23 It is obvious that an Inspectorate of its present size in relation to its responsibility can not hope to achieve either all it would like or all the public would like it to do . ’
24 The claimant could not be described as the lawful holder of the bill of lading unless a given copy or all the copies issued by the carrier were designated as the original bill or set of bills .
25 The CDs average about 55 minutes and could easily have permitted inclusion of all the Tangos recorded by Domingo or all the selections from Wunderlich 's Heliodor Viennese Song recital .
26 Schedule+ is a graphical scheduling application designed to coordinate a working timetable for any or all the users on the system .
27 Or all the others there must have been .
28 I could turn convict , he thought , and live in prison and it would n't matter then about a job or all the things ahead that looks so unpromising .
29 The main question is who will pay for the clean-up : farmers or all the state 's taxpayers ?
30 With this exercise you can automatically delete from a text all the prepositions or all the conjunctions or all the pronouns ( or any combination of these ) for re-insertion by the student .
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