Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] with some " in BNC.

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1 People tend to assume that parents of mentally handicapped children and those who work with them are gifted with abnormal powers of patience and understanding , or suffused with some form of religious or social awareness that make them adopt a sacrificial purpose in life .
2 Santa Cruz Operation Inc says that Zenith Data Systems will ship its Open Desktop Release 2.0 as an optional feature of its new Z-Station and Z-Server computers , pre-installed , pre-configured , tested , and supported with a choice of third-party communications options on the Z-Station tower , or bundled with some Z-Station desktop machines .
3 In general you 're going to be paying £10 to £20 more for a fleece lined with Windstopper than a fleece lined or covered with some other material .
4 Some of the larger local authorities , as we have seen , are now appointing specialist advisers to the chief executive 's office , or even to the leader of the council , who can give advice divorced from the service-providing departments , but such posts are few and regarded with some suspicion by mainstream local government officers .
5 However , Wainwright offered stubborn resistance , and responded with some hard hitting from the baseline to level the score at 6–6 .
6 What seeped out of the and mixed with some air from there would have been a little dung in it to it stood half the summer and got to be really high .
7 In the third stage , identified with areas 20 and 21 in the temporal lobe by Kolb and Wishaw ( 1985 ) and with the parietal cortex by Luria ( 1973 ) , information about the retinal location of stimulus elements is largely lost and replaced with some form of representation of the object giving rise to the pattern of retinal stimulation .
8 She looked away and fiddled with some pathology reports on the desk .
9 Sir Emmanuel once sent us some grouse from his own table but it was not to our taste -it had been cooked in port wine and laced with some spices .
10 Livingstone has conducted a weekly surgery and dealt with some 20,000 constituents ' queries while an MP .
11 For example , the Multi-Party Actions and Disaster Co-ordination Service handled 13 new actions last year including claims against the MOD for alleged unfair dismissal through pregnancy , and dealt with some 2,500 enquiries , many concerning well-known drug product liability cases .
12 The day before , while driving his car , he had been stopped and charged with some trivial traffic offence .
13 The two terms are used interchangeably and viewed with some awe , especially by younger users .
14 As Mrs Cohen sat herself down on one of the wooden kitchen chairs , a basin between her feet , and commenced with some savagery to pluck the feathers from the hen 's carcass , Judith made no comment .
15 Mrs Grandison , the mother of Sophia and Penelope , had the remains of her daughters ' Pre-Raphaelite beauty , now much faded and overlaid with some other quality , which had made her the President of the Women 's Institute in the village where she lived but which did not seem to be quite Pre-Raphaelite .
16 Under Henry VIII they were used to suspend , modify , or extend the provisions of statutes : a proclamation of 1540 altered and dispensed with some clauses of a statute on aliens ; in 1546 a statute restricting the sale of wool was extended by proclamation to cover counties not mentioned in the original act .
17 the cauldrons at their backs , great stone tubs set in the floor and covered with some sort of green scum on either side .
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