Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What about the people who wrote or told us life stories : how far can they be taken as typical ?
2 Their publication was a speculation which — so far as it made me known & procured me employment in Zoological drawing — answered my expectations — but in matters of money occasioned me considerable loss .
3 Did they in fact have access to the new birth-control methods or did they practice older nineteenth-century birth-control techniques , more suited to the pockets of the working class ?
4 Nor did I. Elise used to him ‘ Lover ’ or ‘ My lover ’ , and he called her ‘ Darling ’ or ‘ Mistress ’ or other more — intimate names .
5 Fernande Olivier , Picasso 's mistress , described him as stingy , but he was a good friend to Modigliani , encouraged him to paint and lent him colours , brushes and canvas .
6 Timothy Gedge was as ordinary as anyone else , but the ill fortune of circumstances or nature made ordinary people eccentric and lent them colour in the greyness .
7 Because this policy existed , and the government was democratic , both the United States and the International Monetary Fund have given Argentina the benefit of the doubt and lent it money to tide it over .
8 Maria often read to the others from the newspaper , and asked me questions about it .
9 Then they put me in a room and asked me questions .
10 She flirted with him , used him , led him on and asked him favours .
11 On several occasions I saw them and watched them while bombs were falling in the neighbourhood and air raids were overhead and asked them questions relating to war , sirens , etc …
12 Laidlaw 's raid , however , had other repercussions , for the Japanese built more extensive defences around Dili and manned them day and night ; a use of men and resources that in eight or so weeks would be desperately needed on Guadalcanal , or later that year in defences against other Allied landings .
13 Despite the happy family photos that appeared in the fan magazines , childhood days were miserable days for Joe who said that his dad never held him in his lap and read him stories or took him to ball games .
14 But by 1 March all semblance of the princes deciding the matter , with the help of the pope 's legates , had disappeared , for on this day the papal chancery addressed Otto as " illustrious king " and announced him emperor elect .
15 One came round and sold me sheets and then he offered me a loan .
16 The Queen delighted in his preaching and made him Dean of Westminster .
17 Taskopruzade writes : " Then [ Sultan Mehmed ] made him kazasker , then he removed him and made him Mufti .
18 For Clarke , football hooliganism developed at the intersection of these trends : the fans have now taken the traditional values of toughness , masculinity , local identity , collective action and partisanship and made them part of the game 's new , more spectacularised style .
19 The terrace tiles were already warm under her bare feet ; the sunlight , when she looked towards it , stung her eyes and made them water .
20 And he sent for the Bishop of Valencia , and took their vows and made them plight themselves each to the other according as the law directs .
21 Sometimes the big girls bullied us little ones and made us hand over our teatime bread or evening biscuit .
22 Yet it was through the derided Teenybop that the next pop generation came , as young women quickly moved from varieties of Osmond to something a bit meatier — men who instead of masking the femininity of the adored object , flaunted it and made it part of the package .
23 Nothing is known about his employment from 1815 to 1830 , when Messrs C. , H. , and G. Enderby proposed an Antarctic sealing voyage , and appointed him master of the brig Tula ( 150 tons ) , which was not a good sea boat , with the cutter Lively and twenty-nine men and boys in all .
24 ‘ Spewed me ring up all night , then I went and rode me bike into that mooring rope over there , ’ he indicated further up the dock .
25 And got him plenty sex .
26 And , as time melted the sunbeam and dripped it moment by moment from the desk to the floor , Chesarynth had only her dubious belief in Friend to sustain her .
27 In his important paper , Perring ( 1953 ) extracted these records and listed them island by island .
28 Well same when we went and found them boys in it !
29 I wrote to Belgium , and found them places in a school in Brussels , which was owned by a Monsieur Héger .
30 ‘ I went round and rehearsed them night after night at the various clubs , ’ he recalls .
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